
List all Neuroconductor packages.

Name Type Description
name String The name of the package.
title String Package title.
maintainer String Maintainer of the package.
type String Package type.

This returns the list of Neuroconductor packages.

  • GET /packages

  • curl
            "name": "gifti",
            "title": "Reads in Neuroimaging GIFTI Files with Geometry Information",
            "maintainer": "John Muschelli",
            "type": "standard",
            "code_coverage": 77

  • Use neurocStats package
    > neuroconductor_packages <- get_package_list()
    > head(neuroconductor_packages)
              name                                                                         title       maintainer     type code_coverage
    1        gifti                   Reads in Neuroimaging GIFTI Files with Geometry Information   John Muschelli standard            77
    2 kirby21.base                Example Data from the Multi-Modal MRI Reproducibility Resource   John Muschelli     data            47
    3     waveslim Basic Wavelet Routines for One-, Two-, and Three-DimensionalSignal Processing Brandon Whitcher standard            44
    4  ROpenCVLite                                                                Install OpenCV    Simon Garnier standard            12
    5       RNifti                                         Fast R and C++ Access to NIfTI Images      Jon Clayden standard            50
    6  kirby21.asl             Example ASL Data from the Multi-Modal MRI ReproducibilityResource   John Muschelli     data            33

  • Use the httr package
    > library(httr)
    > neuroc_packages <- GET('')
    > neuroc_packages
    Response []
      Date: 2019-09-11 18:01
      Status: 200
      Content-Type: application/json
      Size: 19.8 kB
            "name": "gifti",
            "title": "Reads in Neuroimaging GIFTI Files with Geometry Information",
            "maintainer": "John Muschelli",
            "type": "standard",
            "code_coverage": 77
            "name": "kirby21.base",