Package Details

An individual package details. Currently this is nested within package.

Name Type Description
name String The name of the package.
type String Type of package. Can be standard, data or workflow.
maintainer String The maintainer of the package.
maintainer_email String The package maintainer's email.
title String Title of the package.
description String Description of the package.
citation String Package citation.
first_submission String Timestamp when package was initially submitted.
last_updated String Timestamp when the package was last manually updated (re-submitted).
original_github_url String Original GitHub URL.
system_requirements String System requirements of the package.
depends String List of other packages that this packages depends on.
imports String List of other packages that this packages imports.
linking_to String List of other packages that this packages links to.
suggests String List of other packages that this packages suggests.
enhaces String List of other packages that this packages enhances.
reverse_depends String List of other packages that depend on this package.
reverse_imports String List of other packages that import this package.
reverse_suggests String List of other packages that suggest this package.
total_downloads Integer Total downloads for this package.