Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
All code for this document is located at here.
Neuroconductor is a GitHub-based repository of R packages generally related to neuroimaging analyses and processing. The goals for the community are:
- Centralize these packages in one place
- Provide detailed howtos and tutorials (below) for users to easily set up and start using these packages
- Allow for more feedback for feature requests and contributions to these packages
The goals for the package developers are:
- Provide feedback on packages and features
- Help developers pass R CMD check with more detailed feedback and pull requests
- Check packages in a system with 3rd party imaging software (e.g. FSL, Freesurfer, AFNI, etc.) installed
Packages are tested for Unix-based systems, specifically Linux and Mac OSX.
Although we do not currently support it, [Windows 10 has a Linux subsystem
Appveyor will check packages on Windows platforms; a small percentage of packages will not be applicable for Windows machine due to intrinsic nature of the non-R
components of the software. Therefore, a package submitted to Neuroconductor does not need to pass checks for Windows to be incorporated into the platform.
However, Windows 10 currently has a Linux subsystem, which may allow for a working installation of all the dependencies of Neuroconductor. Although still untested there is a good tutorial on running FSL on Windows as well as ANTsR on Windows.
As some software in neuroimaging has only implemented versions for *nix-based systems, we will allow users to submit Unix-only R packages, but will encourage them to refactor their code if possible to enable all of Neuroconductor to be cross-platform.
John Muschelli, Jean-Philippe Fortin, Adi Gherman, Brian Caffo and Ciprian Crainiceanu all have contributed a significant amount of time to the project.
All code for the tutorials and installation guides can be located at Pull requests are welcome. If you would like a specific tutorial or content, please open an issue.
The workflow is that one would go through Installation Guides, then Required Readings, and then to any specific Tutorial that a reader would like to learn about.
Please open an issue on GitHub.