Package spant details
MR Spectroscopy Analysis Tools
Tools for reading, visualising and processing Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy data. The package includes methods for
spectral fitting: Wilson (2021)
Maintainer: Martin Wilson < martin at >
From within R, enter citation('spant')
If you have any problems with this package you can open a new issue or check the already existing ones here.
To install this package, start R and enter:
# Default Install
# from GitHub
neuro_install('spant', release = "stable", release_repo = "github")
neuro_install('spant', release = "current", release_repo = "github")
More detailed installation instructions can be found here.
Initially submitted on | September 29 2018 10:10PM |
Last updated on | March 31 2021 10:00AM |
Package type | standard |
Source GitHub | GitHub |
Neuroconductor GitHub | GitHub |
Depends | R (2.10) |
Imports | abind, plyr, foreach, pracma, stringr, complexplus, signal, matrixcalc, minpack.lm, nnls, utils, graphics, grDevices, smoother, readr, magrittr, ptw, mmand, RNifti, RNiftyReg, fields, MASS, numDeriv, nloptr, irlba, tibble, jsonlite |
Suggests | viridisLite, shiny, miniUI, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, ragg, doParallel |