Package fmri details

Analysis of fMRI Experiments

Contains R-functions to perform an fMRI analysis as described in Polzehl and Tabelow (2019) , Tabelow et al. (2006) , Polzehl et al. (2010) , Tabelow and Polzehl (2011) .

Maintainer: Karsten Tabelow < tabelow at >


From within R, enter citation('fmri')


If you have any problems with this package you can open a new issue or check the already existing ones here.

  Versions(Pending - no previous version)
To install this package, start R and enter:


# Default Install

# from GitHub
neuro_install('fmri', release = "stable", release_repo = "github")
neuro_install('fmri', release = "current", release_repo = "github")

More detailed installation instructions can be found here.


Initially submitted on September 27 2018 12:52PM
Last updated on March 31 2021 10:00AM
Package type standard
Source GitHub GitHub
Neuroconductor GitHub GitHub
DependsR (3.3.0)
ImportsgrDevices, graphics, stats, utils, nlme, parallel, metafor, methods, aws (2.4)
Suggeststcltk, tkrplot, fastICA, adimpro (0.9), oro.nifti