Joints reconstruct a n by p, q, etc matrices or predictors. The reconstruction can be regularized. # norm( x - u_x v_x^t ) + norm( y - u_y v_y^t) + .... etc

  iterations = 10,
  subIterations = 5,
  gamma = 0.000001,
  sparsenessQuantile = 0.5,
  positivity = FALSE,
  smoothingMatrix = NA,
  rowWeights = NA,
  repeatedMeasures = NA,
  doOrth = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



input list of matrices to be jointly predicted.


number of basis vectors to compute


should be a ncomparisons by 3 matrix where the first two columns define the pair to be matched and the last column defines the weight in the objective function.


number of gradient descent iterations


number of gradient descent iterations in sub-algorithm


step size for gradient descent


quantile to control sparseness - higher is sparser


restrict to positive or negative solution (beta) weights. choices are positive, negative or either as expressed as a string.


a list containing smoothing matrices of the same length as x.


vectors of weights with size n (assumes diagonal covariance)


list of repeated measurement identifiers. this will allow estimates of per identifier intercept.


boolean enforce gram-schmidt orthonormality


boolean option


matrix list each of size p by k is output


Avants BB


if (FALSE) { mat<-replicate(100, rnorm(20)) mat2<-replicate(100, rnorm(20)) mat<-scale(mat) mat2<-scale(mat2) wt<-0.666 mat3<-mat*wt+mat2*(1-wt) params = matrix( nrow = 2, ncol = 3 ) params[1,] = c(1,2,1) params[2,] = c(2,1,1) x = list( (mat), (mat3 )) jj = jointSmoothMatrixReconstruction( x, 2, params, gamma = 1e-4, sparsenessQuantile=0.5, iterations=10, smoothingMatrix = list(NA,NA), verbose=TRUE ) # latent feature mask=getMask( antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r16" ) )) spatmat = t( imageDomainToSpatialMatrix( mask, mask ) ) smoomat = knnSmoothingMatrix( spatmat, k = 27, sigma = 120.0 ) lfeats = t( replicate(100, rnorm(3)) ) # map these - via matrix - to observed features n = sum( mask ) ofeats1 = ( lfeats + rnorm( length(lfeats), 0.0, 1.0 ) ) %*% rbind( rnorm(n), rnorm(n),rnorm(n) ) ofeats2 = ( lfeats + rnorm( length(lfeats), 0.0, 1.0 ) ) %*% rbind( rnorm(n),rnorm(n),rnorm(n) ) # only half of the matrix contains relevant data ofeats1[,1:round(n/2)] = matrix( rnorm(round(n/2)*100), nrow=100 ) ofeats2[,1:round(n/2)] = matrix( rnorm(round(n/2)*100), nrow=100 ) x = list( (ofeats1), ( ofeats2 )) jj = jointSmoothMatrixReconstruction( x, 2, params, gamma = 0.0001, sparsenessQuantile=0.75, iterations=19, subIterations=11, smoothingMatrix = list(smoomat,smoomat), verbose=TRUE ) p1 = ofeats2 %*% jj$v[[2]] p2 = ofeats1 %*% jj$v[[1]] cor( p1, lfeats ) cor( p2, lfeats ) print( cor( rowMeans(ofeats1), lfeats ) ) print( cor( rowMeans(ofeats2), lfeats ) ) # a 2nd example with 3 modalities imageIDs <- c( "r16", "r27", "r30", "r62", "r64", "r85" ) images <- list() feature1Images <- list() feature2Images <- list() feature3Images <- list() ref = antsImageRead( getANTsRData('r16') ) for( i in 1:length( imageIDs ) ) { cat( "Processing image", imageIDs[i], "\n" ) tar = antsRegistration( ref, antsImageRead( getANTsRData( imageIDs[i] ) ), typeofTransform='Affine' )$warpedmov images[[i]] <- tar feature1Images[[i]] <- iMath( images[[i]], "Grad", 1.0 ) feature2Images[[i]] <- iMath( images[[i]], "Laplacian", 1.0 ) feature3Images[[i]] <- reflectImage(tar,axis=0,tx='Affine')$warpedmovout } i=1 mask=getMask( antsImageRead( getANTsRData( imageIDs[i] ) )) mask2 = iMath( mask, "ME", 2 ) spatmat = t( imageDomainToSpatialMatrix( mask, mask ) ) smoomat = knnSmoothingMatrix( spatmat, k = 125, sigma = 100.0 ) spatmat2 = t( imageDomainToSpatialMatrix( mask2, mask2 ) ) smoomat2 = knnSmoothingMatrix( spatmat2, k = 125, sigma = 100.0 ) params = matrix( nrow = 6, ncol = 3 ) params[1,] = c(1,2,1) params[2,] = c(2,1,1) params[3,] = c(1,3,1) params[4,] = c(3,1,1) params[5,] = c(2,3,1) params[6,] = c(3,2,1) mat = imageListToMatrix( feature1Images, mask ) mat2 = imageListToMatrix( feature2Images, mask2 ) mat3 = imageListToMatrix( feature3Images, mask ) scl=F x = list( scale(mat, scale=scl), scale(mat2, scale=scl ), scale(mat3, scale=scl )) slist = list(smoomat2,smoomat,smoomat,smoomat,smoomat,smoomat2) jj = jointSmoothMatrixReconstruction( x, 4, params, positivity=T, gamma = 1e-6, sparsenessQuantile=0.9, iterations=10, smoothingMatrix = slist, verbose=TRUE ) mm=makeImage( mask, abs(jj$v[[2]][,1]) ) %>% iMath("Normalize") plot( ref, mm, doCropping=FALSE, window.overlay=c(0.1,1) ) p1 = mat2 %*% jj$v[[1]] p2 = mat %*% jj$v[[2]] diag( cor( p1, p2 ) ) p1 = mat3 %*% jj$v[[5]] p2 = mat2 %*% jj$v[[6]] diag( cor( p1, p2 ) ) }