Joints reconstruct a n by p, q, etc matrices or predictors. The reconstruction can be regularized. # norm( x - u_x v_x^t ) + norm( y - u_y v_y^t) + .... etc
jointSmoothMatrixReconstruction( x, nvecs, parameters, iterations = 10, subIterations = 5, gamma = 0.000001, sparsenessQuantile = 0.5, positivity = FALSE, smoothingMatrix = NA, rowWeights = NA, repeatedMeasures = NA, doOrth = FALSE, verbose = FALSE )
x | input list of matrices to be jointly predicted. |
nvecs | number of basis vectors to compute |
parameters | should be a ncomparisons by 3 matrix where the first two columns define the pair to be matched and the last column defines the weight in the objective function. |
iterations | number of gradient descent iterations |
subIterations | number of gradient descent iterations in sub-algorithm |
gamma | step size for gradient descent |
sparsenessQuantile | quantile to control sparseness - higher is sparser |
positivity | restrict to positive or negative solution (beta) weights. choices are positive, negative or either as expressed as a string. |
smoothingMatrix | a list containing smoothing matrices of the same length as x. |
rowWeights | vectors of weights with size n (assumes diagonal covariance) |
repeatedMeasures | list of repeated measurement identifiers. this will allow estimates of per identifier intercept. |
doOrth | boolean enforce gram-schmidt orthonormality |
verbose | boolean option |
matrix list each of size p by k is output
Avants BB
if (FALSE) { mat<-replicate(100, rnorm(20)) mat2<-replicate(100, rnorm(20)) mat<-scale(mat) mat2<-scale(mat2) wt<-0.666 mat3<-mat*wt+mat2*(1-wt) params = matrix( nrow = 2, ncol = 3 ) params[1,] = c(1,2,1) params[2,] = c(2,1,1) x = list( (mat), (mat3 )) jj = jointSmoothMatrixReconstruction( x, 2, params, gamma = 1e-4, sparsenessQuantile=0.5, iterations=10, smoothingMatrix = list(NA,NA), verbose=TRUE ) # latent feature mask=getMask( antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r16" ) )) spatmat = t( imageDomainToSpatialMatrix( mask, mask ) ) smoomat = knnSmoothingMatrix( spatmat, k = 27, sigma = 120.0 ) lfeats = t( replicate(100, rnorm(3)) ) # map these - via matrix - to observed features n = sum( mask ) ofeats1 = ( lfeats + rnorm( length(lfeats), 0.0, 1.0 ) ) %*% rbind( rnorm(n), rnorm(n),rnorm(n) ) ofeats2 = ( lfeats + rnorm( length(lfeats), 0.0, 1.0 ) ) %*% rbind( rnorm(n),rnorm(n),rnorm(n) ) # only half of the matrix contains relevant data ofeats1[,1:round(n/2)] = matrix( rnorm(round(n/2)*100), nrow=100 ) ofeats2[,1:round(n/2)] = matrix( rnorm(round(n/2)*100), nrow=100 ) x = list( (ofeats1), ( ofeats2 )) jj = jointSmoothMatrixReconstruction( x, 2, params, gamma = 0.0001, sparsenessQuantile=0.75, iterations=19, subIterations=11, smoothingMatrix = list(smoomat,smoomat), verbose=TRUE ) p1 = ofeats2 %*% jj$v[[2]] p2 = ofeats1 %*% jj$v[[1]] cor( p1, lfeats ) cor( p2, lfeats ) print( cor( rowMeans(ofeats1), lfeats ) ) print( cor( rowMeans(ofeats2), lfeats ) ) # a 2nd example with 3 modalities imageIDs <- c( "r16", "r27", "r30", "r62", "r64", "r85" ) images <- list() feature1Images <- list() feature2Images <- list() feature3Images <- list() ref = antsImageRead( getANTsRData('r16') ) for( i in 1:length( imageIDs ) ) { cat( "Processing image", imageIDs[i], "\n" ) tar = antsRegistration( ref, antsImageRead( getANTsRData( imageIDs[i] ) ), typeofTransform='Affine' )$warpedmov images[[i]] <- tar feature1Images[[i]] <- iMath( images[[i]], "Grad", 1.0 ) feature2Images[[i]] <- iMath( images[[i]], "Laplacian", 1.0 ) feature3Images[[i]] <- reflectImage(tar,axis=0,tx='Affine')$warpedmovout } i=1 mask=getMask( antsImageRead( getANTsRData( imageIDs[i] ) )) mask2 = iMath( mask, "ME", 2 ) spatmat = t( imageDomainToSpatialMatrix( mask, mask ) ) smoomat = knnSmoothingMatrix( spatmat, k = 125, sigma = 100.0 ) spatmat2 = t( imageDomainToSpatialMatrix( mask2, mask2 ) ) smoomat2 = knnSmoothingMatrix( spatmat2, k = 125, sigma = 100.0 ) params = matrix( nrow = 6, ncol = 3 ) params[1,] = c(1,2,1) params[2,] = c(2,1,1) params[3,] = c(1,3,1) params[4,] = c(3,1,1) params[5,] = c(2,3,1) params[6,] = c(3,2,1) mat = imageListToMatrix( feature1Images, mask ) mat2 = imageListToMatrix( feature2Images, mask2 ) mat3 = imageListToMatrix( feature3Images, mask ) scl=F x = list( scale(mat, scale=scl), scale(mat2, scale=scl ), scale(mat3, scale=scl )) slist = list(smoomat2,smoomat,smoomat,smoomat,smoomat,smoomat2) jj = jointSmoothMatrixReconstruction( x, 4, params, positivity=T, gamma = 1e-6, sparsenessQuantile=0.9, iterations=10, smoothingMatrix = slist, verbose=TRUE ) mm=makeImage( mask, abs(jj$v[[2]][,1]) ) %>% iMath("Normalize") plot( ref, mm, doCropping=FALSE, window.overlay=c(0.1,1) ) p1 = mat2 %*% jj$v[[1]] p2 = mat %*% jj$v[[2]] diag( cor( p1, p2 ) ) p1 = mat3 %*% jj$v[[5]] p2 = mat2 %*% jj$v[[6]] diag( cor( p1, p2 ) ) }