Standard SVS 1H brain analysis pipeline.
basis = NULL,
w_ref = NULL,
mri_seg = NULL,
mri = NULL,
output_dir = NULL,
extra = NULL,
decimate = NULL,
rats_corr = TRUE,
ecc = FALSE,
comb_dyns = TRUE,
hsvd_filt = FALSE,
scale_amps = TRUE,
te = NULL,
tr = NULL,
preproc_only = FALSE,
method = "ABFIT",
opts = NULL
metab | filepath or mrs_data object containing MRS metabolite data. |
basis | basis set object to use for analysis. |
w_ref | filepath or mrs_data object containing MRS water reference data. |
mri_seg | filepath or nifti object containing segmented MRI data. |
mri | filepath or nifti object containing anatomical MRI data. |
output_dir | directory path to output fitting results. |
extra | data.frame with one row containing additional information to be attached to the fit results table. |
decimate | option to decimate the input data by a factor of two. The default value of NULL does not perform decimation unless the spectral width is greater than 20 PPM. |
rats_corr | option to perform rats correction, defaults to TRUE. |
ecc | option to perform water reference based eddy current correction, defaults to FALSE. |
comb_dyns | option to combine dynamic scans, defaults to TRUE. |
hsvd_filt | option to apply hsvd water removal, defaults to FALSE. |
scale_amps | option to scale metabolite amplitude estimates, defaults to TRUE. |
te | metabolite mrs data echo time in seconds. |
tr | metabolite mrs data repetition time in seconds. |
preproc_only | only perform the preprocessing steps and omit fitting. The preprocessed metabolite data will be returned in this case. |
method | analysis method to use, see fit_mrs help. |
opts | options to pass to the analysis method. |
a fit_result or mrs_data object depending on the preproc_only option.