Added 2HG and citrate simulation parameters. e.g. get_mol_paras(“2hg”).
Better print output for molecular definitions.
Added metabolite and basis simulation vignettes.
Bug fix for setting the ppm reference when reading LCModel RAW files.
Bug fix for ABfit CRLB calculation of combined signals, eg tNAA, tCr.
spant 1.11.0 2021-03-28
Options added to allow extra information to attached to mrs_data and fit_result objects as a data frame.
New functions (combine_fit_XXX) for working with multiple fit results contained within a list structure.
Basis set and noise region are now checked for validity in ABfit.
Added spant_abfit_benchmark function.
Tentative functions for performing “standard” 1H brain analyses: svs_1h_brain_analysis and svs_1h_brain_batch_analysis.
Improved support for LCModel analyses.
spant 1.10.0 2021-01-06
Fix for NIfTI MRS reader/writer.
ortho3 now shows correct labels for orientations other than RAS.
ortho3_int function renamed to ortho3_inter.
Argument order change to plot_voi_overlay and plot_voi_overlay_seg to be more consistent with ortho3.
Regression fix for partial volume segmentation plotting.
Echo time parameter is now stored in the meta structure.
ABfit now performs a 1D phase parameter search before the prefit stage to improve reliability. May be disabled with the prefit_phase_search fit option.
spant 1.9.0 2020-12-15
NIfTI MRS reader and writer now uses the header extension for metadata. Thanks to Jon Clayden for adding extension read/write support to the RNifti package.
Default plots now have gridlines in the y-direction and the plot line is now thicker and coloured blue.
Opacity option added to the plotting functions (alpha).
Bug fix for comb_coils with SVS data.
Bug fixes for Siemens geometry information.
Changed the ordering of arguments to write_mrs and write_mrs_nifti to improve consistency with other functions.
Internal function (ortho3) now used to plot voxel locations on MRI.
Internal dicom reader function added.
Tentative support for Siemens and Philips DICOM MRS format added.
Internal changes to the way orientation information is handled.
spant 1.8.0 2020-11-18
Added gridplot function.
New functions added for down sampling.
Added signal space projection method for MRSI.
Geometry information is now read from Siemens twix files.
GitHub actions are now used for continuous integration instead of Travis and AppVeyor.
Added precomp function to avoid repeated computation.
mrs_data2mat function now collapses all dimensions to dynamics by default.
mrs_data objects now store the nucleus.
Added a reader for old Varian format (fid/procpar) data.
spant 1.7.0 2020-07-09
Added write_mrs function which guesses the output format from the file extension or can be specified as an argument. write_mrs_XXX functions have been depreciated.
read_mrs function now tries to guess the format from the file extension.
Added json sidecar to NIFTI MRS export function.
Added the option to read MRS data from a NIFTI file and json sidecar using the read_mrs function.
Changed default crop_spec region to between 4.0 and 0.2 ppm.
spant 1.6.0 2020-06-05
Bug fix for GE P file reader.
Added downsample_mrs function.
Tentative function (write_mrs_nifti) to write MRS data as a NIFTI format file
for evaluation purposes only.
spant 1.5.0 2020-05-11
Added an option to ABfit to allow the metabolite amplitudes to be negative (ahat_calc_method).
Removed lsei package dependency.
spant 1.4.0 2020-04-20
Added the option to plot a y = 0 baseline trace for stackplot.mrs_data.
Added convenience functions to read and write mrs_data to rds format.
spant 1.3.0 2020-04-03
Added get_fit_table function to combine all fit tables in a fit_result object into a single dataframe.
ppm function can now be applied to fit result objects.
Bug fix for plot_slice_fit_inter and added the option to specify a denominator.
Added the option to specify a denominator to plot_slice_fit.
spant 1.2.1 2020-03-15
Added the option to display a progress bar in fit_mrs function for better conformance to “Writing R Extensions” in non-interactive use.
Changed test tolerance to accommodate differences with OSX.
spant 1.2.0 2020-03-11
Performance improvement for HSVD water filter.
ABfit unit tests are now run on simulated data to improve consistency between different platforms.
Improvements to fit amplitude scaling code.
Improved checking for mrs_data processing functions.
Added preprocessing steps vignette.
spant 1.1.0 2020-03-01
Improved ppm labels for ABfit plot results.
Bug fix for plot_slice_fit when using fits from masked data.
Updated unit tests.
Added vignette on manually adjusting ABfit baseline smoothness.
Updated the introduction vignette.
Bug fixes for image and stackplot functions for masked MRS data.
Bug fix for using RATS with masked MRS data.
Changes to prepare for for R 4.0.0.
spant 1.0.0 2020-02-17
ABfit analysis method has been added, and is now default for the mrs_fit function.
Added reader for LCModel RAW format data.
Added read_mri_dyn_dir function for reading dynamic MRS exported from Siemens scanners.
Bug fixes for 2D MRSI voxel segmentation calculation.
Bug fixes for Siemens IMA format reader for SVS data.
Optional colourbar added to ortho3 function.
spant 0.19.0 2019-12-06
Added Asc, BHB, Cho, PEth and Ser simulation parameters.
Added ker option to get_mrsi_voi function.
Added append_basis function to combine two basis sets objects.
The align function now accepts more than one reference frequency.
spant 0.17.0 Unreleased
Added a function to grid shift 2D MRSI data in the x/y direction.
Better plotting/fitting support for masking data by setting data points to NA.
Bug fix for interactive voxel selection position indicator.
Added mask_xy to mask voxels in a centred rectangular region.
Minor changes to improve parallel processing support.
spant 0.16.0 2019-10-30
SNR is now defined as the max data point divided by the standard deviation of the noise (n.b. factor of two has been removed in-line with upcoming terminology paper).
Default rats method improved to work with multidimensional datasets.
Added norm_mrs function to normalise the intensity of spectral data.
Added bc_constant function to correct spectral baselines by a constant offset.
Added re_weighting function to apply a resolution enhancement weighting to the FID.
Performance improvement for apodise_xy function.
sd function now works for mrs_data.
Added 2D MRSI support for Siemens IMA format.
spant 0.15.0 2019-09-19
Bug fix for using auto_phase function with a single spectrum.
Bug fix for comb_coils not returning unaveraged data when requested.
Added options to combine metabolite signals from the stackplot of a fit object and adjust the plot margins.
Added comb_fits function.
Added collapse_to_dyns function for mrs_fit objects.
RDA reader now extracts geometry information.
spant 0.14.0 2019-05-28
Added options to omit basis signals, change label names and combine lipid and MM signals from the stackplot of a fit object.
Added auto_phase function for zeroth order phase-correction of simple spectra.
Added get_subset function to aid MRSI slicing.
Added decimate_mrs function.
Added fit_amps function to quickly extract amplitude estimates from a fit object.
Bug fix for int_spec function.
sim_basis function arguments updated to accept acq_par objects.
spant 0.13.0 2019-04-25
Various bug fixes for Siemens TWIX reader.
rats and tdsr functions now use the mean spectrum as the default reference.
Added the option to remove the x axis in an mrs_data plot.
Added ylim and y_scale options to fit plotting.
Added %$% operator from magrittr package.
Added an interpolation option to calc_spec_snr.
Added hline and vline options to image.mrs_data.
spant 0.12.0 2018-11-05
Fit results stackplot now has the option to display labels.
Added the option to reverse eddy current correction.
Improved GE p-file reader.
diff function can now be applied to mrs_data objects.
Complex functions: Re, Im, Mod, Arg and Conj can now be applied to mrs_data objects.
Default simulations for Glc and NAAG have been improved.
spant 0.11.0 2018-07-20
Added mar argument to plot command.
td2fd and fd2td now give warnings when used with data already in the target domain.
Improved documentation formatting consistency and fixed some spelling errors.
Added rats method.
spant 0.10.0 2018-06-25
The names of in-built pulse sequence functions now all start with seq_* to make them easier to find.
Added new functions to simulate the following MRS sequences: CPMG, MEGA-PRESS, STEAM, sLASER. sLASER sequence kindly contributed by Pierre-Gilles Henry.
Bug fix for get_mol_names function.
stackplot function now accepts labels argument and time-domain plotting.
def_acq_paras function now accepts arguments to override the defaults.
Added a source field to mol.paras object to cite the origin of the values.
Option to restore plotting par defaults.
The magrittr pipe operator is now exported.
spant 0.9.0 2018-03-07
Updated plotting modes to be one of : “re”, “im”, “mod” or “arg”.
Updated int_spec function to use “re”, “im”, or “mod”.
Added a function to replicate data across a particular dimension.
Added a convenience function to simulate normal looking 1H brain MRS data.
phase and shift functions now accept vector inputs.
spant 0.7.0 2018-01-31
Added new function for frequency drift correction.
Added support for Siemens ima and TWIX SVS data.
Added support for GE p-file SVS data.
Added apply_axes fn.
Support for reading SPM style segmentation results (spm_pve2categorical).
spant 0.6.0 2017-10-25
Interactive plotting function added for fit results - plot_fit_slice_inter.
Bug fix for appending dynamic results.
Bug fix for reading list data files without reference data.
Bug fix for append_dyns function.
basis2mrs_data function has been extended to allow the summation of basis elements and setting of individual amplitudes.
Added a shift function for manual frequency shift adjustment.
Added initial unit tests and automated coveralls checking.
spant 0.5.0 2017-10-10
A default brain PRESS basis is now simulated by the fit_mrs function when the basis argument isn’t specified.
Added calc_peak_info function for simple singlet analyses.
crop_spec function now maintains the original frequency scale.
The basis set used for analyses has now been added to the fit result object.
Bug fix for simulating basis sets with one element.
lb function can now be used with basis-set objects.
Bug fix for spar_sdat reader for non-localised MRS.
AppVeyor now being used to test Windows compatibility - John Muschelli.
spant 0.4.0 2017-08-09
Bug fix for SPAR/SDAT SVS voxel dimensions.
MRSI support added for Philips SPAR/SDAT data.
Fit plots now default to the full spectral range unless xlim is specified.
Fit plots allow the x, y, z, coil, dynamic indices to be specified.
Added the option to subtract the baseline from fit plots.
spant 0.3.0 2017-06-20
Added stackplot method for fit objects.
Added functions for registering and visualising SVS volumes on images and performing partial volume correction.
Philips “list data” also now reads noise scans.
calc_coil_noise_cor, calc_coil_noise_sd functions added to aid coil combination.
Documentation updates for plotting methods.
Added some simulation methods to userland.
spant 0.2.0 2017-05-24
Added Siemens RDA format reader.
Added Philips “list data” format reader.
Added Bruker paravision format reader.
Added PROPACK option for HSVD based filtering.
Added a coil combination function.
Bug fix for incorrect ppm scale on fit plots when fs != 2000Hz.
Bug fix for VARPRO analytical jacobian calculation.