Plot an interactive slice map from a data array where voxels can be selected to display a corresponding spectrum.
map = NULL,
xlim = NULL,
slice = 1,
zlim = NULL,
mask_map = NULL,
denom = NULL,
mask_cutoff = 20,
interp = 1,
mode = "re",
y_scale = FALSE,
ylim = NULL,
coil = 1,
fd = TRUE
mrs_data | spectral data. |
map | array of values to be plotted, defaults to the integration of the modulus of the full spectral width. |
xlim | spectral region to plot. |
slice | the slice index to plot. |
zlim | smallest and largest values to be plotted. |
mask_map | matching map with logical values to indicate if the corresponding values should be plotted. |
denom | map to use as a denominator. |
mask_cutoff | minimum values to plot (as a percentage of the maximum). |
interp | map interpolation factor. |
mode | representation of the complex spectrum to be plotted, can be one of: "re", "im", "mod" or "arg". |
y_scale | option to display the y-axis values (logical). |
ylim | intensity range to plot. |
coil | coil element to plot. |
fd | display data in the frequency-domain (default), or time-domain (logical). |