Display an orthographic projection plot of a nifti object.
overlay = NULL,
xyz = NULL,
zlim = NULL,
zlim_ol = NULL,
alpha = 0.7,
col_ol = viridisLite::viridis(64),
orient_lab = TRUE,
rescale = 1,
crosshairs = TRUE,
ch_lwd = 1,
colourbar = TRUE,
bg = "black",
mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0),
smallplot = c(0.63, 0.65, 0.07, 0.42)
underlay | underlay image to be shown in grayscale. |
overlay | optional overlay image. |
xyz | x, y, z slice coordinates to display. |
zlim | underlay intensity limits. |
zlim_ol | overlay intensity limits. |
alpha | transparency of overlay. |
col_ol | colour palette of overlay. |
orient_lab | display orientation labels (default TRUE). |
rescale | rescale factor for the underlay and overlay images. |
crosshairs | display the crosshairs (default TRUE). |
ch_lwd | crosshair linewidth. |
colourbar | display a colourbar for the overlay (default TRUE). |
bg | plot background colour. |
mar | plot margins. |
smallplot | smallplot option for positioning the colourbar. |