This function computes the metric displacement between two binary masks
minSegDistance(manual, predict, get = "all", binarize = F, label = 1)
manual | manual segmentation of class antsImage, used as reference |
predict | other antsImage to compare to manual |
get | (default='all') one of 'mean', 'max', 'min', or 'all' |
binarize | logical (default=FALSE) whether to binarize the input images |
label | (default=1) integer or vector of labels to binarize I.e., label=c(2,4) means label 2 from manual, and 4 from predict will be compared. |
Scalar (for 'mean', 'max', 'min') or list (for 'all'). Note, results are in milimeters
max = Hausdorff distance