Lesion to Symptom Mapping (R toolbox)
Systems: Linux, Mac or Windows Linux Subsystem
Language: R (version 3.0 or above)
License: Apache License 2.0
Takes lesion maps and cognitive performance scores from patients with stroke, and maps the brain areas responsible for the cognitive deficit.
The quickest way to install is:
if (! 'devtools' %in% installed.packages()) install.packages('devtools')
This will install all the dependencies, including ANTsR (may take one hour on some computers). Here is the video of the installation process. If it doesn’t work, check out the more detailed installation instructions.
If you use Docker, we have built a container with LESYMAP pre-installed (along with RStudio). We have also built scripts to start and stop the LESYMAP container easily (for Windows, Linux, Mac). See the instructions here and you should be good to go in minutes:
The history of the LESYMAP container builds is in DockerHub
library(LESYMAP) # All functions have appropriate documentation. Start by typing ?lesymap # run an example analyses using data provided with lesymap example(lesymap)
22:14:19 Running LESYMAP
22:14:19 Checking a few things...
22:14:19 Loading behavioral data...131 scores found.
22:14:20 Filenames as input, checking lesion values on 1st image...
22:14:22 Searching voxels lesioned >= 10% subjects...326828 found
22:15:20 Computing unique patches...
22:15:58 Found 195102 patches in 326828 voxels - 1.7 times more voxels
22:15:58 Using existing lesion matrix... 131x195102
22:15:58 Running analysis: BMfast ...
22:16:02 Correcting p-values: fdr ...
22:16:02 Preparing images...
22:16:03 Logging call details...
22:16:03 Done! 1.7 mins
Hit <Return> to see next plot:
Check out how this example looks on the screen.