Lesion to symptom mapping performed on a prepared matrix. Regressions are performed between behavior and each column of the lesmat matrix. Fast function based on compiled code.
lsm_regresfast(lesmat, behavior, covariates = NA, FWERperm = F, nperm = 1000, v = 1, pThreshold = 0.05, clusterPerm = F, mask = NA, voxindx = NA, samplemask = NA, clusterPermThreshold = 0.05, showInfo = T, ...)
lesmat | matrix of voxels (columns) and subjects (rows). |
behavior | vector of behavioral scores. |
covariates | (default=NA) vector of matrix of covariates. |
FWERperm | logical (default=FALSE) whether to run permutation based FWER thresholding. |
nperm | Number of permutations to perform when needed. |
v | (default=1) what voxel to record for FWER thresholding. |
pThreshold | (default=0.05) Voxel-wise threshold. |
clusterPerm | logical (default=FALSE), whether to perform permutation based cluster thresholding. |
mask | (default=NA) antsImage reference mask used for cluster computations. |
voxindx | (default=NA) indices of voxels to put in mask |
samplemask | (default=NA) antsImage used to extract voxels back in a matrix. |
clusterPermThreshold | (default=0.05) threshold for cluster selection after obtaining cluster size distrubution. |
showInfo | display info messagges when running the function. |
... | other arguments received from |
List of objects returned:
- vector of statistical values
- vector of pvalues
- vector of zscores
- (optional) vector of permuted statistics
- (optional) permutation threshold established
from the distribution of perm.vector
- (optional) permutation threshold established
from the distribution of perm.vector