Lesion to symptom mapping performed on a prepared matrix. Brunner-Munzel tests are performed using each column of the matrix to split the behavioral scores in two groups. This function relies on a compiled version for fast processing.

lsm_BMfast(lesmat, behavior, permuteNthreshold = 9,
  alternative = "greater", statOnly = FALSE, nperm = 1000,
  npermBM = 20000, FWERperm = FALSE, v = 1, pThreshold = 0.05,
  permuteAllVoxelsBM = FALSE, showInfo = FALSE, ...)



binary matrix (0/1) of voxels (columns) and subjects (rows).


vector of behavioral scores.


(default=9) Voxels lesioned in fewer than 9 subjects may yield incorrect p-values with Brunner-Munzel tests, so they need to identify pvalues through individualized permutations. This parameter sets the threshold to find which voxels need permutations. See Medina et al (2010).


(default="greater") It is assumed that healthy voxels (0) have greater behavioral scores. If your data follow an inverted relationship choose "less" or "two.sided".


logical (default=FALSE), skips some computations, mostly for internal use to speed up some things.


(default=1000) Number of permutations to perform on entire volumes when needed for multiple comparisons corrections (i.e., in FWERperm).


(default=20000) Number of permutations to perform at every single voxel below permuteNthrehsold. Note, this argument is different from nperm, which controls volume-based permutations to perform multiple comparison corrections with FWERperm.


logical (default=FALSE) whether to perform permutation based FWER thresholding.


(default=1) which voxel to record at each permutation with FWERperm. All software use the peak voxel (v=1), but you can choose a voxel further down the list to relax the threshold (i.e., v=10 for 10 highest voxel) (see Mirman (2017)).


(default=0.05) what threshold to use for FWER


(default=FALSE) whether to force the permutation-based p-value calulation for all voxels, instead of applying only to voxels below permuteNthrehsold. Setting this option to TRUE will force all voxels undergo permutation-based p-value calculation.


display info messagges when running the function.


other arguments received from lesymap.


List of objects returned:

  • statistic - vector of statistical values

  • pvalue - vector of pvalues

  • zscore - vector of zscores

  • perm.vector - (optional) vector of permuted statistics

  • perm.FWERthresh - (optional) permutation threshold established from the distribution of perm.vector


{ set.seed(123) lesmat = matrix(rbinom(200,1,0.5), ncol=2) set.seed(123) behavior = rnorm(100) result = lsm_BMfast(lesmat, behavior) }