Compute uniqe patches of voxels with the same pattern of lesions in all subjects. Useful to understand the number of patterns that will be analyzed in a lesion dataset. A patch is a group of voxels, not necessarily close to each other, which have the same identical lesion pattern.
getUniqueLesionPatches(lesions.list, mask = NA, returnPatchMatrix = FALSE, thresholdPercent = 0.1, binaryCheck = FALSE, showInfo = TRUE)
lesions.list | list of antsImages (faster) or filenames (slower) |
mask | (default=NA) a mask image to restrict the search for patches. Will be
automatically calculated if not provided. Normally the mask restricts
the search only to voxels lesioned in >10% of subejcts. To set this proportion
use |
returnPatchMatrix | (default=FALSE) logical, should the matrix of patches
be returned. This is used in |
thresholdPercent | (default=0.1) voxels with lesions in less than this proportion of subjects will not be considered. I.e., 0.1 = 10%. |
binaryCheck | (default=FALSE) set this to TRUE to verify that maps are binary. |
showInfo | (default=TRUE) logical indicating whether to display information. |
List of objects named as follows:
- antsImage with every voxel assigned a patch number
- antsImage mask of one representative voxel
for each patch. Can be used to extract the patchmatrix.
- antsImage with the patch size at every voxel
- antsImage of the mask used to extract patches. Can
be used to put back results when combined with patchindx
- vector of patch membership for each voxel. Can
be used to put back results in an image.
- number of unique patches in the image
- total number of lesioned voxels in patchimg.mask
- vector of voxel count for each patch
- vector of volume size for each patch
- matrix of patches. This is used in lesymap to
save time when running repetitive analyses.
lesydata = file.path(find.package('LESYMAP'),'extdata') filenames = Sys.glob(file.path(lesydata, 'lesions', '*.nii.gz')) patchinfo = getUniqueLesionPatches(filenames[1:10]) # slower#> 384 unique patches, 459834 voxels - 1197.5 times more voxelslesions = imageFileNames2ImageList(filenames[1:10]) patchinfo = getUniqueLesionPatches(lesions) # faster#> 384 unique patches, 459834 voxels - 1197.5 times more voxels