Function to check that all antsImages in a list have the same orientation, origin, and resolution. The function stops with an error if one of the images has unusual headers. This behavior can be overcome by setting showError=F, and using the returned status (True=pass, False=fail) to make decisions outside this function.

checkImageList(imgList, showError = T, binaryCheck = F)



list of antsImages


boolean indicating whether to show the exact error and interrupt the function (TRUE, default), or don't show the error and return the check status (FALSE). The returned values when showError=F are T=passed or F=Failed.


boolean, check if images are binary (0/1 values). Useful when checking masks or lesions. This check slows the output of the function.


True if list has images with same headers, otherwise False.


if (FALSE) { files = Sys.glob('/data/jag/nifti/*.nii.gz') myimagelist = imageFileNames2ImageList(files) checkImageList(myimagelist) # no value returned checkImageList(lesions, showError=F) # True returned myimagelist[[4]] = cropIndices(myimagelist[[4]], c(1,1,1), c(20,20,20)) checkImageList(myimagelist) # error on image 4 }