Routine to test statistical assumptions are met at each voxel for t-tests

checkAssumptions_ttest(lesmat, behavior, assumptionThreshold = 0.05,
  showInfo = TRUE, ...)



binary matrix (0/1) of voxels (columns) and subjects (rows).


vector of behavioral scores.


(default=0.05) threshold to establish whether tests pass or fail. This threshold is applied at each voxel individually, no corretion for multiple comparison is applied.


logical (default=TRUE), display info messages


arguments that are passed by upstream functions


List of objects returned:

  • failVarianceTest - vector of logical values marking voxels that have different variance of behavioral scores in lesioned and non-lesioned individuals. Obtained using the var.test function.

  • failNormalityTest - vector of logical values marking voxels with abnormal distribution of behavioral scores either in lesioned or non-lesioned individuals. Obtained with the shapiro.test function.