Compiled fast t-tests on matrices. Takes a binary matrix X with zero and non-zero values, and a matrix Y of continuous values. Computes the t-test on each Y column using the respective X column to define the two groups. If Y is a matrix with one column, that column is used to test with grouping derived from every column in X. This function is used in LESYMAP with a binarized X matrix derived from lesioned voxels in the brain.

TTfast(X, Y, computeDOF = TRUE, varEqual = TRUE)



binary matrix of voxels (columns) for all subjects (rows).


matrix of behavioral scores of same size as X or a matrix with a single column.


(default=true) chooses whether to compute degrees of freedom. Set to false to save time during permutations.


(default=true) chooses whether to compute Student t-scores (true) or Welch d-scores (false). The only difference is the assumption on variance which for t-scores must be satisfied. This assumption is often violated in some voxels, and the use of Welch (varEqual=false) is recommended for more accurate results.


List with two vectors:

  • statistic - Student T or Welch D

  • df - degrees of freedom


set.seed(1234) lesmat = matrix(rbinom(60,1,0.2), ncol=2) set.seed(12345) behavior = cbind( rnorm(30) ) set.seed(123456) behavior = cbind ( behavior, rnorm(30) ) test = LESYMAP::TTfast(lesmat, behavior) test$statistic[,1] # -2.359317 1.040766
#> [1] -2.359317 1.040766