Takes a binary matrix of voxels and a matrix of behavioral scores, one for each voxel, then runs Brunner-Munzel tests on each voxel with the repective behavior column. Function mostly used to estimate score biases with full brain simulations. This is a fast function that corrects for infinite values with a similar approach as the nparcomp package.
BMfast2_dualmatrix(X, Y, computeDOF = FALSE)
X | binary matrix of voxels (columns) for all subjects (rows) |
Y | matrix of voxel specific behavioral scores. Must be of same dimensions as X. |
computeDOF | (true) chooses whether to compute degrees of freedom. Set to false to save time during permutations. |
List with two vectors:
- BM values
- degrees of freedom
set.seed(1234) lesmat = matrix(rbinom(60,1,0.2), ncol=2) set.seed(12345) behavior = cbind( rnorm(30) ) set.seed(123456) behavior = cbind ( behavior, rnorm(30) ) test = LESYMAP::BMfast2_dualmatrix(lesmat, behavior) test$statistic[,1] # -3.6804016 0.6097458#> [1] -3.6804016 0.6097458