Extract a matrix from a time-series image after applying a mask where each row is a space-time vector
timeserieswindow2matrix( timeseriesmatrix, mask, eventlist, timewindow, zeropadvalue = 0, spacing = NA )
timeseriesmatrix | Input timeseriesmatrix from timeseries2matrix |
mask | Input mask of type 'antsImage' ... the mask will be replicated into a 4D image of length timewindow + zeropadvalue. |
eventlist | time indices for the events to extract |
timewindow | n-timepoints around each event, forward in time. |
zeropadvalue | pads the mask by this amount fwd and bwd in time. |
spacing | optional 4d spacing vector that will impact smoothing parameters |
Success -- an R matrix of dimensions
Avants BB
img <- makeImage( c(10,10,10,50) , 0 ) mask <- as.antsImage( array( 1 , dim(img)[1:3] ) ) mat<-timeseries2matrix( img, mask ) mat <- timeserieswindow2matrix( mat , mask, c(1, 4, 5 ), 2, 0 ) print( dim(mat$eventmatrix) )#> [1] 3 2000#> [1] 10 10 10 2##### another approach dim4<-c( 20, 30, 10, 100 ) i1<-10:15 i2<-11:18 i3<-4:8 i4<-10:90 arr3d<-array(data = 0, dim = dim4[1:3] ) arr3d[i1,i2,i3]<-1 arr<-array(data = 0, dim =dim4 ) for ( t in i4 ) arr[,,,t]<-t nois<-which( arr > 0 ) noisv<-rnorm( length(nois) ) arr[ nois ]<-arr[ nois ]+noisv*0.0 msk <- as.antsImage( arr3d ) img <- as.antsImage( arr ) mat<-timeseries2matrix( img, msk ) eanat<-sparseDecom( mat, msk, sparseness=0.1, z=0.5,nvecs=2, its=5,cthresh=0, mycoption=1) eanat2<-sparseDecom( mat, sparseness=0.1,z=0.5,nvecs=2, its=5,cthresh=0, mycoption=1) enomask<-eanat2$eigenanatomyimages[1,] emask<-eanat$eigenanatomyimages[1,] print( enomask[31:40] )#> [1] 0.03987620 0.03343536 0.07381637 -0.07219767 0.04771875 0.14776873 #> [7] -0.14532009 -0.02779675 0.02243894 0.02661600#> [1] 0.03987620 0.03343536 0.07381637 -0.07219767 0.04771875 0.14776873 #> [7] -0.14532009 -0.02779675 0.02243894 0.02661600# same thing with event matrices .... ttt<-timeserieswindow2matrix( mat, msk, c(20,40,60,70) , 6, 0 ) tte<-ttt$eventmatrix eanat<-sparseDecom( tte, ttt$mask4d, sparseness=-0.9, z=0.5,nvecs=2, its=5,cthresh=0, mycoption=1) eanat2<-sparseDecom( tte, sparseness=-0.9, z=0.5,nvecs=2, its=5,cthresh=0, mycoption=1) enomask<-eanat2$eigenanatomyimages[,1] # back to timematrix tmat<-matrix( enomask, nrow=6 ) # back to image eimg<-antsImageClone( msk ) eimg[ msk == 1 ]<-tmat[1,] # convert image space to evec space emat<-eanat2$eigenanatomyimages # convert emat to events FIXME this does not currently work # eavent<-timeserieswindow2matrix( data.matrix(emat) , msk, 1 , 6, 0 ) # emask<-eavent$eventmatrix[1,] #############################