This tests each eigenanatomy region in order invisibly to the user and stops when testing stops conserving power. The algorithm returns NA if there is no good testing procedure, given the statistical target. The basic idea is to test the variables that explain the most variance first and continue testing as long as (a) there is no significant relationship yet found or (b) the existing significant relationship remains significant, given the correction for multiple comparisons.

testEanat(mymdl, myvar, sigthresh = 0.05, method = "BH")



input model from lm with eigenanatomy on left


name of variable in model to test


significance threshold, for example 0.05


a method for p.adjust


nvecs is output, analogous to nvecs in svd(mat,nu=0,nv=nvecs)


Avants BB, Hackman D, LM Betancourt, GM Lawson, H Hurt, MJ Farah #' Relation of Childhood Home Environment to Cortical Thickness in Late Adolescence: Specificity of Experience and Timing, PloS one, 2015


Avants BB, Tustison NJ


mat <- matrix(rnorm(300),ncol=3) n = nrow(mat) g = factor( c(rep(1,n/2),rep(0,n/2)) ) mydf = data.frame( gen=g, a=rnorm(n)) mymdl<-lm( mat ~ a + g , data=mydf ) nv = testEanat( mymdl, myvar="g1" ) mat[1:(n/2),3] = mat[1:(n/2),3] + 2 mymdl<-lm( mat ~ a + g , data=mydf ) nv = testEanat( mymdl, myvar="g1" )