Exploit k-nearest neighbor algorithms to estimate a sparse similarity matrix. Critical to the validity of this function is the basic mathematical relationships between euclidean distance and correlation and between correlation and covariance. For applications of such matrices, one may see relevant publications by Mauro Maggioni and other authors.
sparseDistanceMatrix( x, k = 3, r = Inf, sigma = NA, kmetric = c("euclidean", "correlation", "covariance", "gaussian"), eps = 0.000001, ncores = NA, sinkhorn = FALSE, kPackage = "FNN" )
x | input matrix, should be n (samples) by p (measurements) |
k | number of neighbors |
r | radius of epsilon-ball |
sigma | parameter for kernel PCA. |
kmetric | similarity or distance metric determining k nearest neighbors |
eps | epsilon error for rapid knn |
ncores | number of cores to use |
sinkhorn | boolean |
kPackage | name of package to use for knn |
matrix sparse p by p matrix is output with p by k nonzero entries
Avants BB
if (FALSE) { set.seed(120) mat = matrix( rnorm(60), ncol=10 ) smat = sparseDistanceMatrix( mat, 2 ) r16 = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( 'r16' ) ) mask = getMask( r16 ) mat <- getNeighborhoodInMask(image = r16, mask = mask, radius = c(0,0), physical.coordinates=TRUE, ) smat = sparseDistanceMatrix( t(mat$indices), 10 ) # close points testthat::expect_is(smat, "Matrix") testthat::expect_is(smat, "dgCMatrix") testthat::expect_equal(sum(smat), 18017) }