Perform regression on a training set of images, projected onto (provided) eigenvectors, and test on testing images.
regressProjections( input.train, input.test, demog.train, demog.test, eigenvectors, mask, outcome, covariates = "1", model.function = glm, which.eigenvectors = "all", ... )
input.train | Masked imaging data from training set of type
input.test | Masked imaging data from testing set of type
demog.train | Data frame of demographics information for training images. |
demog.test | Data frame of demographics information for testing images. |
eigenvectors | List of eigenvector images for dimensionality reduction. |
mask | Mask image of type |
outcome | Name of outcome variable to be predicted. Must be present in
covariates | List of names of covariates to be used for the prediction.
All names must be present in |
model.function | Modeling function for predicting outcome from input
data. Can be any function that has |
which.eigenvectors | Method for selecting eigenvectors. Can be either
... | Additional arguments for input to |
A list of diagnostic and statistical information generated from the
prediction, including: stats
: Statistics on computed fits. For
numeric outcomes, mean squared error, correlation coefficients, and p-value
of prediction for training and testing data. For factor outcomes,
misclassification rate and p-value of classification model.
: Data frame comparing real vs. predicted values
for testing data. eigenvectors
: List of eigenvectors retained in
model building.
is a convenient way to perform training and
testing of predictions of demographic information from imaging data. It
takes as input demographics information, imaging data, and eigenvectors, and
performs prediction of the outcome variable from the projection of the
imaging data on the eigenvectors.
Kandel BM and Avants B
# generate simulated outcome nsubjects <- 100 x1 <- seq(1, 10, length.out=nsubjects) + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2) x2 <- seq(25, 15, length.out=nsubjects) + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2) outcome <- 3 * x1 + 4 * x2 + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=1) # generate simulated images with outcome predicted # by sparse subset of voxels voxel.1 <- 3 * x1 + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2) voxel.2 <- rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2) voxel.3 <- 2 * x2 + rnorm(nsubjects, sd=2) voxel.4 <- rnorm(nsubjects, sd=3) input <- cbind(voxel.1, voxel.2, voxel.3, voxel.4) # simulate eigenvectors and mask mydecom <- sparseDecom(input, sparseness=0.25, nvecs=4) mask <- as.antsImage(matrix(c(1,1,1,1), nrow=2)) # generate sample demographics that do not explain outcome age <- runif(nsubjects, 50, 75) demog <- data.frame(outcome=outcome, age=age) # randomly divide data into training and testing data.split <- splitData(demog, 2/3, return.rows=TRUE) eanatimages <- matrixToImages( mydecom$eig, mask ) result <- regressProjections(input[data.split$, ], input[data.split$rows.out, ], data.split$, data.split$data.out, eanatimages, mask, 'outcome')