Output contains the NImages x NImages matrix of c('PearsonCorrelation','Mattes') or any Image Metric values available in iMath. Similarity is computed after an affine registration is performed. You can also cluster the images via the dissimilarity measurement, i.e. the negated similarity metric. So, the estimated dissimilarity is returned in the matrix.
pairwiseImageDistanceMatrix( dim, myFileList, metrictype = "PearsonCorrelation", nclusters = NA )
dim | imageDimension |
myFileList | dd<-'MICCAI-2013-SATA-Challenge-Data/CAP/training-images/' myFileList<-list.files(path=dd, pattern = glob2rx('*nii.gz'),full.names = T,recursive = T) |
metrictype | similarity function |
nclusters | integer controlling max number of clusters to search over |
raw dissimilarity matrix is output, symmetrized matrix and clustering (optional) in a list
Avants BB
if (FALSE) { # dsimdata<-pairwiseImageDistanceMatrix( 3, imagefilelist, nclusters = 5 ) }