Converts a set of multichannel images (e.g. deformation fields ) to a matrix to enable various forms of PCA. Returns the components of shape variability and variance explained. May employ different decomposition methods (WIP).
multichannelPCA( x, mask, k = NA, pcaOption = "PCA", auxiliaryModality, center = TRUE, sigma = NA, verbose = FALSE )
x | list containing multichannel images all of the same size |
mask | mask to apply to the multichannel images |
k | rank to use |
pcaOption | currently only PCA and randPCA, latter being much faster. We also allow fastICA. |
auxiliaryModality | if you pass this matrix, then will do CCA. This will only work with one option. |
center | subtract the mean column vector. |
sigma | parameter for kernel PCA. |
verbose | produces more explanatory output. |
list of the pca output and conversion to multichannel images
Avants BB
img1 = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r16" ) ) %>% resampleImage( c(4,4) ) img2 = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r64" ) ) %>% resampleImage( c(4,4) ) img3 = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r27" ) ) %>% resampleImage( c(4,4) ) img4 = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( "r30" ) ) %>% resampleImage( c(4,4) ) reg1 = antsRegistration( img1, img2, 'SyN' ) reg2 = antsRegistration( img1, img3, 'SyN' ) reg3 = antsRegistration( img1, img4, 'SyN' ) w1 = antsImageRead( reg1$fwdtransforms[1] ) w2 = antsImageRead( reg2$fwdtransforms[1] ) w3 = antsImageRead( reg3$fwdtransforms[1] ) mask = getMask( img1 ) x = list( w1, w2, w3 ) dpca = multichannelPCA( x, mask ) warpTx = antsrTransformFromDisplacementField( dpca$pcaWarps[[1]] ) warped = applyAntsrTransform( warpTx, data = img1, reference = img1)