Estimate the gyrification index at a specific scale. This will produce images of local sulcification and gyrification as as well as the difference of these two measurements. The most gyral values are near 1 and most sulcal negative 1. The function is not limited to brain data and should work on any 3D shape. See the paper entitled the shape operator for differential image analysis.
localGyrificationIndex(segmentation, sigma = 3, k = 25, ksigma = 3)
segmentation | - potentially from antsCorticalThickness |
sigma | - scale parameter |
k | - size of neighborhood |
ksigma | - sigma for k-neighborhood |
lGI image
Avants BB
if (FALSE) { seg = antsImageRead( 'segmentation.nii.gz' ) wm = thresholdImage( seg, 3, 3 ) %>% morphology( "dilate", 1 ) lgi = localGyrificationIndex( wm ) }