Convert a labeled image to an n x m binary matrix where n = number of voxels and m = number of labels. Only includes values inside the provided mask while including background ( img == 0 ) for consistency with timeseries2matrix and other image to matrix operations.
labels2matrix(img, mask, targetLabels = NULL, missingVal = NA)
img | input label image |
mask | defines domain of interest |
targetLabels | defines target regions to be returned. if the target label does not exist in the input label image, then the matrix will contain a constant value of missingVal (default NA) in that row. |
missingVal | for missing label values. |
matrix is output
Avants BB
fi = antsImageRead(getANTsRData("r16") ,2) %>% resampleImage(c(60,60),1,0) mask = getMask( fi ) labs = kmeansSegmentation( fi, 3 )$segmentation labmat = labels2matrix( labs, mask )