The JLF initialization is reused throughout a time series with an additional lag argument.
jlfProp( targetI, targetIMask, atlasList, rad = 2, labelList = NULL, rSearch = 3, lagValue = 3, verbose = FALSE, ... )
targetI | antsImage list to be approximated |
targetIMask | mask with value 1 |
atlasList | list containing antsImages with intensity images |
rad | neighborhood radius, default to 2 |
labelList | optional list containing antsImages with segmentation labels |
rSearch | radius of search, default is 3 |
lagValue | number of prior images to use to fwd propagate JLF solution |
verbose | boolean |
... | arguments to pass to |
segmentation of time series
Brian B. Avants
if (FALSE) { set.seed(123) ref = ri( 1 ) %>% resampleImage( 4 ) %>% iMath( "Normalize" ) mi1 = ri( 2 ) mi2 = ri( 3 ) mi3 = ri( 4 ) mi4 = ri( 5 ) mi5 = ri( 6 ) refmask<-getMask( ref ) refmask<-iMath( refmask, "MD", 10 ) # just to speed things up ilist<-list( mi1, mi2, mi3, mi4, mi5 ) seglist<-list() for ( i in 1:length(ilist) ) { ilist[[i]]<-iMath(ilist[[i]],"Normalize") mytx<-antsRegistration(fixed=ref , moving=ilist[[i]] , typeofTransform = c("Affine"), verbose = TRUE ) mywarpedimage<-antsApplyTransforms(fixed=ref, moving=ilist[[i]], transformlist=mytx$fwdtransforms) ilist[[i]]=mywarpedimage seg<-thresholdImage( ilist[[i]],"Otsu", 3) seglist[[i]]<-seg+1 } tarlist = list( iMath( ref, "GD", 3), iMath( ref, "GD", 2), iMath( ref, "GD", 1), iMath( ref, "GD", 0), iMath( ref, "GE", 1), iMath( ref, "GE", 2), iMath( ref, "GE", 3) ) pp = jlfProp( tarlist, refmask, ilist, rSearch=2, labelList=seglist, rad = rep( 2, length( dim( ref ) ) ) ) }