The algorithm automatically selects the key nvecs
and hidden
parameters. The user should select the cthresh
regularization parameters for his or her application. The principle used
here is that we want few but sparse pseudo-eigenvectors that are minimally
correlated in row-space. true left and right eigenvectors are uncorrelated
in both row and column (left and right eigenvector) spaces, but this is not
the case when we impose sparsity.
eanatSelect( inmat, mask = NULL, cthresh = 0, smooth = 0, maxNEvec = 0, selectorScale = 1.1, whiten = FALSE, verbose = FALSE )
inmat | input matrix |
mask | input mask, must match matrix |
cthresh | remove isolated voxel islands of size below this value |
smooth | smooth the input data first by this value |
maxNEvec | integer that, if set greater than zero, indicates that we use
a low-rank approximation to the input matrix before proceeding to eanat.
this value should be greater than |
selectorScale | influences automatic selection of |
whiten | use ICA style whitening. |
verbose | controls whether computation is silent or not. |
nvecs is output, analogous to nvecs
Avants BB, Tustison NJ
if (FALSE) { mat <- matrix(rnorm(2000),ncol=50) nvecsSel<-eanatSelect( mat, selectorScale = 1.2, maxNEvec = 4 ) esol <- sparseDecom( mat, nvecs = nvecsSel ) print(paste("selected", nvecsSel,'pseudo-eigenvectors')) }