Deforming a grid is a helpful way to visualize a deformation field. This function enables a user to define the grid parameters and apply a deformable map to that grid.
createWarpedGrid( img, gridStep = 10, gridWidth = 2, gridDirections = c(TRUE, TRUE), fixedReferenceImage = NULL, transform = NA, foreground = 1, background = 0 )
img | input image |
gridStep | width of grid blocks |
gridWidth | width of grid lines |
gridDirections | directions in which to draw grid lines, boolean vector |
fixedReferenceImage | reference image space |
transform | vector of transforms |
foreground | intensity value for grid blocks |
background | intensity value for grid lines |
image is output
Avants BB
fi = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( 'r16' ) ) mi = antsImageRead( getANTsRData( 'r64' ) ) mygr = createWarpedGrid( mi ) if (FALSE) { mytx <- antsRegistration(fixed=fi, moving=mi, typeofTransform = c('SyN') ) mywarpedgrid = createWarpedGrid( mi, gridDirections=c(F,T), transform=mytx$fwdtransforms, fixedReferenceImage=fi ) plot( fi, mywarpedgrid, alpha=0.75, color.overlay='blue' ) }