Implementation of the deconvolution technique of Ostergaard et al. ( for calculating cerebral (or pulmonary) blood flow. Other relevant references include,, and
bloodPerfusionSVD( perfusionImage, voiMaskImage, aifMaskImage, thresholdSVD = 0.2, deltaTime = 1 )
perfusionImage | time series (n-D + time) perfusion acquisition. |
voiMaskImage | n-D mask image indicating where the cerebral blood flow parameter images are calculated. |
aifMaskImage | n-D mask image indicating where the arterial input function is calculated. |
thresholdSVD | is used to threshold the smaller elements of the diagonal matrix during the SVD regularization. 0.2 is a common choice (cf. page 571, end of column 2 in |
deltaTime | time between volumetric acquisitions. We assume a uniform time sampling. |
list with the cerebral blood flow image (cbfImage), cerebral blood volume image (cbvImage), mean transit time (mttImage), and arterial input function signal from the image (aifSignal) and the calculated arterial input function concentration (aifConcentration).
Tustison NJ
if (FALSE) { perfusionFileName = "" if (file.exists(perfusionFileName)) { perfusionImage <- antsImageRead( filename = perfusionFileName, dimension = 4, pixeltype = 'float' ) voiMaskImage <- antsImageRead( filename = voiMaskFileName, dimension = 3, pixeltype = 'unsigned int' ) aifMaskImage <- antsImageRead( filename = aifMaskFileName, dimension = 3, pixeltype = 'unsigned int' ) deltaTime <- 3.4 results <- bloodPerfusionSVD( perfusionImage, voiMaskImage, aifMaskImage, thresholdSVD = 0.2, deltaTime = deltaTime ) antsImageWrite( results$cbfImage, paste0( 'cbf.nii.gz' ) ); antsImageWrite( results$cbvImage, paste0( 'cpbv.nii.gz' ) ); antsImageWrite( results$mttImage, paste0( 'mtt.nii.gz' ) ); } }