Take a prior mean and precision matrix for the regression solution and uses them to solve for the regression parameters. The Bayesian model, here, is on the multivariate distribution of the parameters.
bayesianlm( X, y, priorMean, priorPrecision, priorIntercept = 0, regweights, includeIntercept = F )
X | data matrix |
y | outcome |
priorMean | expected parameters |
priorPrecision | inverse covariance matrix of the parameters - |
priorIntercept | inverse covariance matrix of the parameters - |
regweights | weights on each y, a vector as in lm |
includeIntercept | include the intercept in the model |
bayesian regression solution is output
Avants BB
# make some simple data set.seed(1) n<-20 rawvars<-sample(1:n) nois<-rnorm(n) # for some reason we dont know age is correlated w/noise age<-as.numeric(rawvars)+(abs(nois))*sign(nois) wt<-( sqrt(rawvars) + rnorm(n) ) mdl<-lm( wt ~ age + nois ) summary(mdl)#> #> Call: #> lm(formula = wt ~ age + nois) #> #> Residuals: #> Min 1Q Median 3Q Max #> -1.0942 -0.7471 -0.2221 0.6247 1.7610 #> #> Coefficients: #> Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) #> (Intercept) 1.33844 0.43660 3.066 0.007002 ** #> age 0.16619 0.03718 4.470 0.000337 *** #> nois -0.49379 0.32656 -1.512 0.148879 #> --- #> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 #> #> Residual standard error: 0.9391 on 17 degrees of freedom #> Multiple R-squared: 0.5822, Adjusted R-squared: 0.533 #> F-statistic: 11.84 on 2 and 17 DF, p-value: 0.0006002 #>X<-model.matrix( mdl ) priorcoeffs<-coefficients(mdl) covMat<-diag(length(priorcoeffs))+0.1 # make some new data rawvars2<-sample(1:n) nois2<-rnorm(n) # now age is correlated doubly w/noise age2<-as.numeric(rawvars2)+(abs(nois2))*sign(nois2)*2.0 wt2<-( sqrt(rawvars2) + rnorm(n) ) mdl2<-lm( wt2 ~ age2 + nois2 ) X2<-model.matrix( mdl2 ) precisionMat<-solve( covMat ) precisionMat[2,2]<-precisionMat[2,2]*1.e3 # heavy prior on age precisionMat[3,3]<-precisionMat[3,3]*1.e2 # some prior on noise bmdl<-bayesianlm( X2, wt2, priorMean=priorcoeffs, precisionMat ) # testthat::expect_equal(bmdl$beta, c(0.157536274628774, -0.224079937323326)) bmdlNoPrior<-bayesianlm( X2, wt2 ) print(priorcoeffs)#> (Intercept) age nois #> 1.3384439 0.1661885 -0.4937906#> [1] 0.1653025 -0.4927154#> [1] 0.1618386 -0.4768678if (FALSE) { fn<-'PEDS012_20131101_pcasl_1.nii.gz' fn<-getANTsRData("pcasl") # image available at asl<-antsImageRead(fn,4) tr<-antsGetSpacing(asl)[4] aslmean<-getAverageOfTimeSeries( asl ) aslmask<-getMask(aslmean,lowThresh=mean(aslmean),cleanup=TRUE) aslmat<-timeseries2matrix(asl,aslmask) tc<-as.factor(rep(c('C','T'),nrow(aslmat)/2)) dv<-computeDVARS(aslmat) # do some comparison with a single y, no priors y<-rowMeans(aslmat) perfmodel<-lm( y ~ tc + dv ) # standard model tlm<-bigLMStats( perfmodel ) X<-model.matrix( perfmodel ) blm<-bayesianlm( X, y ) print( tlm$beta.p ) print( blm$beta.p ) # do some bayesian learning based on the data perfmodel<-lm( aslmat ~ tc + dv ) # standard model X<-model.matrix( perfmodel ) perfmodel<-lm( aslmat ~ tc + dv ) bayesianperfusionloc<-rep(0,ncol(aslmat)) smoothcoeffmat<-perfmodel$coefficients nmatimgs<-list() for ( i in 1:nrow(smoothcoeffmat) ) { temp<-antsImageClone( aslmask ) temp[ aslmask == 1 ] <- smoothcoeffmat[i,] # temp<-iMath(temp,'PeronaMalik',150,10) temp<-smoothImage(temp,1.5) nmatimgs[[i]]<-getNeighborhoodInMask(temp,aslmask, rep(2,3), boundary.condition = 'mean') smoothcoeffmat[i,]<-temp[ aslmask==1 ] } prior <- rowMeans( smoothcoeffmat ) invcov <- solve( cov( t( smoothcoeffmat ) ) ) blm2<-bayesianlm( X, y, prior, invcov*1.e4 ) print( blm2$beta.p ) for ( i in 1:ncol(aslmat) ) { parammat<-nmatimgs[[1]][,i] for ( k in 2:length(nmatimgs)) parammat<-cbind( parammat, nmatimgs[[k]][,i] ) locinvcov<-solve( cov( parammat ) ) localprior<-(smoothcoeffmat[,i]) blm<-bayesianlm( X, aslmat[,i], localprior, locinvcov*1.e4 ) bayesianperfusionloc[i]<-blm$beta[1] } perfimg<-antsImageClone(aslmask) basicperf<-bigLMStats( perfmodel )$beta[1,] perfimg[ aslmask == 1 ]<-basicperf antsImageWrite(perfimg,'perf.nii.gz') perfimg[ aslmask == 1 ]<-bayesianperfusionloc antsImageWrite(perfimg,'perf_bayes.nii.gz') print( cor.test(basicperf, perfimg[ aslmask == 1 ] ) ) }