Denoises regression based reconstruction of CBF from arterial spin labeling
aslDenoiseR( boldmatrix, targety, covariates = NA, selectionthresh = 0.1, maxnoisepreds = 2:12, polydegree = "loess", crossvalidationgroups = 4, scalemat = F, noisepoolfun = max, usecompcor = F, verbose = F )
boldmatrix | input bold matrix |
targety | target to predict |
covariates | motion or other parameters / nuisance variables |
selectionthresh | e.g. 0.1 take 10 percent worst variables for noise estimation |
maxnoisepreds | integer search range e.g 1:10 |
polydegree | eg 4 for polynomial nuisance variables or 'loess' |
crossvalidationgroups | prior defined or integer valued |
scalemat | boolean |
noisepoolfun | function to help select noise pool e.g. max |
usecompcor | boolean |
verbose | boolean |
matrix is output
Avants BB
# asl<-antsImageRead( getANTsRData("pcasl") ) set.seed(1) nvox <- 10*10*10*20 dims <- c(10,10,10,20) asl <- makeImage( dims , rnorm( nvox )+500 ) aslmean <- getAverageOfTimeSeries( asl ) aslmask <- getMask( aslmean ) aslmat<-timeseries2matrix( asl, aslmask ) for ( i in 1:10 ) aslmat[,i*2]<-aslmat[,i*2]*2 asl<-matrix2timeseries( asl, aslmask, aslmat ) tc<-as.factor(rep(c("C","T"),nrow(aslmat)/2)) dv<-computeDVARS(aslmat) dnz<-aslDenoiseR( aslmat, tc, covariates=dv, selectionthresh=0.1, maxnoisepreds=c(1:2), polydegree=2, crossvalidationgroups=2 ) testthat::expect_equal(dnz$R2atBestN, 7, tolerance = 0.5 ) if (FALSE) { # a classic regression approach to estimating perfusion # not recommended, but shows the basic idea. # see ?quantifyCBF for a better approach perfmodel<-lm( aslmat ~ tc + dnz$noiseu ) perfimg<-antsImageClone(aslmask) perfimg[ aslmask == 1 ]<-bigLMStats( perfmodel )$beta[1,] m0<-getAverageOfTimeSeries(asl) ctl<-c(1:(nrow(aslmat)/2))*2 m0[ aslmask==1 ]<-colMeans(aslmat[ctl,]) pcasl.parameters<-list( sequence="pcasl", m0=m0 ) cbf <- quantifyCBF( perfimg, aslmask, pcasl.parameters ) # default mode network example if ( ! exists("bold") ) { bold = antsImageRead( getANTsRData("rsbold") ) meanbold = getAverageOfTimeSeries( bold ) boldmask = getMask( meanbold ) # map to mni mni = antsImageRead( getANTsRData("mni") ) mniaal = antsImageRead( getANTsRData("mnia") ) mymap = antsRegistration( meanbold * boldmask, mni, typeofTransform='SyNBold', verbose=1 ) aalimg = antsApplyTransforms( meanbold, mniaal, mymap$fwdtransforms, interpolator='NearestNeighbor') data("aal",package="ANTsR") timeselect<-10:dim(bold)[4] if ( ! exists("moco") ) { moco = antsMotionCalculation( bold, boldmask ) } sbold = smoothImage( moco$moco_img , 3.0 ) antsImageWrite( boldmask, 'boldmask.nii.gz' ) antsImageWrite( meanbold, 'boldmean.nii.gz' ) antsImageWrite( aalimg, 'boldaal.nii.gz' ) boldmask = boldmask * thresholdImage( aalimg, 1, Inf ) } postcing<-aal$label_num[ grep( "Cingulum_Post", aal$label_name ) ] postCingMask = maskImage( boldmask, aalimg, level = as.numeric(postcing), binarize=T ) mpostCingMask= antsImageClone( postCingMask ) * 0 mpostCingMask[ postCingMask == 0 ] = 1 boldmat = timeseries2matrix( sbold, boldmask*mpostCingMask ) boldmat = boldmat[timeselect,] boldmat = frequencyFilterfMRI( boldmat, tr=antsGetSpacing(bold)[4], opt='trig' ) dmnvec<-( timeseries2matrix( sbold, postCingMask )[timeselect,] ) dmnvec = rowMeans( frequencyFilterfMRI( dmnvec, tr=antsGetSpacing(bold)[4], opt='trig' ) ) dmnmat = matrix( dmnvec, ncol=1) mocpar = moco$moco_params[ timeselect , 3:14 ] dnz<-aslDenoiseR( boldmat, dmnvec, covariates=mocpar, selectionthresh=0.2, maxnoisepreds=c(2:10), polydegree='loess', crossvalidationgroups=8 ) boldmat<-timeseries2matrix(sbold, boldmask) boldmat<-boldmat[timeselect,] boldmat = frequencyFilterfMRI( boldmat, tr=antsGetSpacing(bold)[4], opt='trig' ) mdl<-bigLMStats( lm( boldmat ~ dmnvec + dnz$covariates + dnz$noiseu ), 0.001 ) betas<-mdl$beta.t[1,] betaImg = makeImage( boldmask, betas ) antsImageWrite( betaImg, 'dmnBetas.nii.gz' ) # this should give default mode network around beta = 12 }