Performs SPM12 coregistration estimation and reslicing on an Image
build_spm12_coregister(fixed, moving, other.files = NULL,
cost_fun = c("nmi", "ecc", "ncc"), separation = c(4, 2),
tol = c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.001,
0.001, 0.001), fwhm = c(7, 7), interp = c("bspline4",
"nearestneighbor", "trilinear", paste0("bspline", 2:3), paste0("bspline",
5:7)), wrap_x = FALSE, wrap_y = FALSE, wrap_z = FALSE,
mask = FALSE, prefix = "r", verbose = TRUE, ...)
build_spm12_coregister_estimate(fixed, moving, other.files = NULL,
cost_fun = c("nmi", "ecc", "ncc"), separation = c(4, 2),
tol = c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.001,
0.001, 0.001), fwhm = c(7, 7), verbose = TRUE, ...)
build_spm12_coregister_reslice(fixed, moving, interp = c("bspline4",
"nearestneighbor", "trilinear", paste0("bspline", 2:3), paste0("bspline",
5:7)), wrap_x = FALSE, wrap_y = FALSE, wrap_z = FALSE,
mask = FALSE, prefix = "r", verbose = TRUE, ...)
spm12_coregister_wrapper(..., func = c("build_spm12_coregister",
"build_spm12_coregister_reslice", "build_spm12_coregister_estimate"),
add_spm_dir = TRUE, spmdir = spm_dir(verbose = verbose, install_dir =
install_dir), clean = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, outdir = NULL,
install_dir = NULL)
spm12_coregister(..., add_spm_dir = TRUE, spmdir = spm_dir(verbose =
verbose, install_dir = install_dir), clean = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
outdir = NULL, install_dir = NULL)
spm12_coregister_estimate(..., add_spm_dir = TRUE,
spmdir = spm_dir(verbose = verbose, install_dir = install_dir),
clean = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, outdir = NULL, install_dir = NULL)
spm12_coregister_reslice(..., add_spm_dir = TRUE,
spmdir = spm_dir(verbose = verbose, install_dir = install_dir),
clean = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, outdir = NULL, install_dir = NULL)
fixed | File that is assumed fixed |
moving | moving file to be registered to fixed space |
other.files | Other files to register to fixed, in same space as moving file |
cost_fun | Cost function |
separation | The average distance between sampled points (in mm). Can be a vector to allow a coarse registration followed by increasingly fine |
tol | The accuracy for each parameter. Iterations stop when differences between successive estimates are less than the required |
fwhm | Gaussian smoothing to apply to the 256x256 joint histogram. Other information theoretic coregistration methods use fewer bins, |
interp | Interpolator for sampling in fixed space |
wrap_x | wrap in x-direction |
wrap_y | wrap in y-direction |
wrap_z | wrap in z-direction |
mask | Mask the data. With masking enabled, the program searches through the whole time series looking for voxels which need to be sampled from outside the original images. Where this occurs, that voxel is set to zero for the whole set of images |
prefix | Prefix to append to front of image filename |
verbose | Print diagnostic messages |
... | Additional arguments to pass to
func | not used |
add_spm_dir | Add SPM12 directory from this package |
spmdir | SPM dir to add, will use package default directory |
clean | Remove scripts from temporary directory after running |
outdir | Directory to copy results. If full filename
given, then results will
be in |
install_dir | directory to download SPM12 |
List of output files, the matlabbatch
and the script
if (FALSE) {
fname = paste0("~/Desktop/D2/scratch/",
spm = spm12_coregister(
fixed = fname,
moving = fname,
other.files = fname,
execute = FALSE)
if (matlabr::have_matlab()) {
install_dir = tempdir()
dims = rep(10, 3)
fixed = array(rnorm(prod(dims)), dim = dims)
fixed = oro.nifti::nifti(fixed)
moving = array(rnorm(prod(dims)), dim = dims)
moving = oro.nifti::nifti(moving)
res = build_spm12_coregister(
fixed = fixed, moving = moving,
install_dir = install_dir)