Write mesh to file in BYU ASCII format.

write.fs.surface.byu(filepath, vertex_coords, faces)



string. Full path to the output surface file, should end with '.byu', but that is not enforced.


n x 3 matrix of doubles. Each row defined the x,y,z coords for a vertex.


n x 3 matrix of integers. Each row defined the 3 vertex indices that make up the face. WARNING: Vertex indices should be given in R-style, i.e., the index of the first vertex is 1. However, they will be written in FreeSurfer style, i.e., all indices will have 1 substracted, so that the index of the first vertex will be zero.


string the format that was written. One of "tris" or "quads". Currently only triangular meshes are supported, so always 'tris'.


This is a fixed field length ASCII format. Keep in mind that the BYU format expects the coordinates to be in the cube -1 to +1 on all three axes.

See also


# \donttest{
    # Read a surface from a file:
    surface_file = system.file("extdata", "lh.tinysurface",
     package = "freesurferformats", mustWork = TRUE);
    mesh = read.fs.surface(surface_file);

    # Now save it:
    write.fs.surface.byu(tempfile(fileext=".byu"), mesh$vertices, mesh$faces);
# }