Projection scrubbing is a data-driven method for identifying artifactual volumes in fMRI scans. It works by identifying component directions in the data likely to represent artifactual patterns, and then computing a composite measure for the amount of these signals at each volume. The projection can be PCA, ICA, or "fused PCA," and the composite measure is based on the linear model concept of leverage. Projection scrubbing can also be used for other outlier detection tasks involving high-dimensional data.

  projection = c("ICA", "fusedPCA", "PCA"),
  nuisance = "DCT4",
  center = TRUE,
  scale = TRUE,
  comps_mean_dt = FALSE,
  comps_var_dt = FALSE,
  kurt_quantile = 0.99,
  fusedPCA_kwargs = NULL,
  get_dirs = FALSE,
  full_PCA = FALSE,
  get_outliers = TRUE,
  cutoff = 4,
  seed = 0,
  verbose = FALSE



Wide numeric data matrix (\(T\) observations by \(V\) variables, \(T << V\)). If X represents an fMRI run, \(T\) should be the number of timepoints and \(V\) should be the number of brainordinate vertices/voxels. Projection scrubbing will measure the outlyingness of each row in X.


One of the following: "ICA" (default), "PCA", or "fusedPCA".


Nuisance signals to regress from each column of X. Should be specified as a design matrix: a \(T\) by \(N\) numeric matrix where \(N\) represents the number of nuisance signals. Or can be "DCT4" (default), which will create a matrix with a constant column (the intercept term) and four DCT bases. This default nuisance regression will have the effect of demeaning and detrending the data by removing low-frequency components. To not perform any nuisance regression set this argument to NULL, 0, or FALSE.

Detrending is highly recommended for time-series data, especially if there are many time points or evolving circumstances affecting the data. Additionally, if kurtosis is being used to select the projection directions, trends can induce positive or negative kurtosis, contaminating the connection between high kurtosis and outlier presence. Detrending should not be used with non-time-series data because the observations are not temporally related.

Additional nuisance regressors can be specified like so: cbind(1, dct_bases(nrow(x), 4), more_nuisance).


Center the columns of the data by their medians, and scale the columns of the data by their median absolute deviations (MADs)? Default: TRUE. Centering is necessary for computing the projections, so if center is FALSE, the data must already be centered.

Note that centering and scaling occur after nuisance regression, so even if center is FALSE, the data will be centered on the means if the nuisance regression included an intercept term, as it does by default.


Center the columns of the data by their medians, and scale the columns of the data by their median absolute deviations (MADs)? Default: TRUE. Centering is necessary for computing the projections, so if center is FALSE, the data must already be centered.

Note that centering and scaling occur after nuisance regression, so even if center is FALSE, the data will be centered on the means if the nuisance regression included an intercept term, as it does by default.


Stabilize the mean and variance of each projection component's timecourse prior to computing kurtosis and leverage? These arguments should be TRUE, FALSE (default), or the number of DCT bases to use for detrending (TRUE will use 4). Note that these arguments affect the projection components and not the data itself. Also, if variance-stabilizing but not mean-stabilizing, the components must already be expected to be mean-stabilized, for example if the data was rigorously detrended; otherwise, the results will be invalid.

Slow-moving mean and variance patterns in the components will interfere with the roles of kurtosis and leverage in identifying outliers. While nuisance can be used to detrend the data, this nuisance regression is estimated non-robustly, since a robust model takes too long to estimate at each data location. On the other hand, comps_mean_dt and comps_var_dt can be used to apply a robust nuisance regression at each component, since there are much fewer components than original data locations. Thus, even if the data has been detrended with nuisance it may be helpful to detrend the components with comps_mean_dt; furthermore, the data nuisance regression does not address the potential existence of variance patterns in the components.

Overall, we recommend enabling comps_mean_dt and comps_var_dt unless the data has been cleaned not only with a low-pass filter like DCT nuisance regression, but also with anatomical CompCor, ICA-FIX, or a similar data-driven strategy that takes into account common sources of artifactual trends such as respiration and heartbeat.


Stabilize the mean and variance of each projection component's timecourse prior to computing kurtosis and leverage? These arguments should be TRUE, FALSE (default), or the number of DCT bases to use for detrending (TRUE will use 4). Note that these arguments affect the projection components and not the data itself. Also, if variance-stabilizing but not mean-stabilizing, the components must already be expected to be mean-stabilized, for example if the data was rigorously detrended; otherwise, the results will be invalid.

Slow-moving mean and variance patterns in the components will interfere with the roles of kurtosis and leverage in identifying outliers. While nuisance can be used to detrend the data, this nuisance regression is estimated non-robustly, since a robust model takes too long to estimate at each data location. On the other hand, comps_mean_dt and comps_var_dt can be used to apply a robust nuisance regression at each component, since there are much fewer components than original data locations. Thus, even if the data has been detrended with nuisance it may be helpful to detrend the components with comps_mean_dt; furthermore, the data nuisance regression does not address the potential existence of variance patterns in the components.

Overall, we recommend enabling comps_mean_dt and comps_var_dt unless the data has been cleaned not only with a low-pass filter like DCT nuisance regression, but also with anatomical CompCor, ICA-FIX, or a similar data-driven strategy that takes into account common sources of artifactual trends such as respiration and heartbeat.


Use pesel to select the number of components? Default: TRUE. Otherwise, use the number of principal components with above-average variance.


What quantile cutoff should be used to select the components? Default: 0.99. Use 0 to select all high-variance components regardless of kurtosis value.

We model each component as a length $T$ vector of Normal iid random variables, for which the distribution of kurtosis values can be approximated. The quantile is estimated based on this distribution.


Arguments to fusedPCA in list form. Valid entries are:


Trend-filtering parameter. Default: 5.


Maximum number of iterations. Default: 1000.


Convergence tolerance parameter. Default: 1e-8.


Print updates? Default: FALSE.


Do the projection directions need to be returned? This is the \(V\) matrix in PCA and \(S\) matrix in ICA. The default is FALSE to save memory. However, get_dirs==TRUE is required for artifact_images.


Only applies to the PCA projection. Return the full SVD? Default: FALSE (return only the high-variance components).


Should outliers be flagged based on cutoff? Default: TRUE.


Median leverage cutoff value. Default: 4.


Set a seed right before the call to pesel::pesel or ica::icaimax? If NULL, do not set a seed. If numeric (default: 0), will use as the seed.


Should occasional updates be printed? Default: FALSE.


A "pscrub" object, i.e. a list with components


A numeric vector of leverage values.


The numeric outlier cutoff value (cutoff times the median leverage).


A logical vector where TRUE indicates where leverage exceeds the cutoff, signaling suspected outlier presence.


A length \(P\) numeric vector corresponding to the data locations in X. Each value indicates whether the location was masked:


The data location was not masked out.


The data location was masked out, because it had at least one NA or NaN value.


The data location was masked out, because it was constant.


This will be a list with components:


The \(T\) by \(Q\) PC score matrix.


The standard deviation of each PC.


The \(P\) by \(Q\) PC directions matrix. Included only if get_dirs.


The length Q logical vector indicating scores of high kurtosis.


Detrended components of U. Included only if components were mean- or variance-detrended.


The length Q logical vector indicating detrended scores of high kurtosis.


The number of PCs selected by PESEL.


The number of above-average variance PCs.

where Q is the number of PCs selected by PESEL or of above-average variance (or the greater of the two if both were used). If PCA was not used, all entries except nPCs_PESEL and/or nPCs_avgvar will not be included, depending on which method(s) was used to select the number of PCs.

If fusedPCA was used, this will be a list with components:


The \(T\) by \(Q\) PC score matrix.


The standard deviation of each PC.


The \(P\) by \(Q\) PC directions matrix. Included only if get_dirs


The length Q logical vector indicating scores of high kurtosis.


Detrended components of U. Included only if components were mean- or variance-detrended.


The length Q logical vector indicating detrended scores of high kurtosis. Included only if components were mean- or variance-detrended.


If ICA was used, this will be a list with components:


The \(P\) by \(Q\) source signals matrix. Included only if get_dirs


The \(T\) by \(Q\) mixing matrix.


The length Q logical vector indicating mixing scores of high kurtosis.


Detrended components of M. Included only if components were mean- or variance-detrended.


The length Q logical vector indicating detrended mixing scores of high kurtosis. Included only if components were mean- or variance-detrended.


Refer to the projection scrubbing vignette for a demonstration and an outline of the algorithm: vignette("projection_scrubbing", package="cubature")


  • Mejia, A. F., Nebel, M. B., Eloyan, A., Caffo, B. & Lindquist, M. A. PCA leverage: outlier detection for high-dimensional functional magnetic resonance imaging data. Biostatistics 18, 521-536 (2017).

  • Pham, D., McDonald, D., Ding, L., Nebel, M. B. & Mejia, A. Projection scrubbing: a more effective, data-driven fMRI denoising method. (2021).


n_voxels = 1e4
n_timepoints = 100
X = matrix(rnorm(n_timepoints*n_voxels), ncol = n_voxels)

psx = pscrub(X)
#> Warning: PESEL estimates that there is only one component. Using two.