A selection of parametric models are provided that combine a compartmental model for tissue and a functional form of the arterial input function.




is a character string that identifies the type of compartmental model to be used. Acceptable models include:


Weinmann AIF convolved with a single compartment (Kety) model


Kety model extended with additional vascular compartment (default)


Extended model using Orton's exponential arterial input function


Extended model using Orton's raised cosine arterial input function


Kety model using Orton's exponential arterial input function


Kety model using Orton's raised cosine arterial input function


User-specified empirical AIF convolved with a single compartment model


Extended model with user-specified empirical arterial input function


A function.


Parametric models from the DCE-MRI literature are provided to the user for kinetic parameter estimation. All models, with the exception of those marked ‘empirical’ incorporate a parametric model for the arterial input function (AIF).

See also


Brandon Whitcher bwhitcher@gmail.com