Performs a separable two-dimensional maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) on a matrix of arbitrary dimensions.
modwt.2d(x, wf, J = 4, boundary = "periodic")
x | input matrix |
wf | name of the wavelet filter to use in the decomposition |
J | depth of the decomposition |
boundary | only |
y | an object of class |
List structure containing the \(3J+1\) sub-matrices from the decomposition.
See references.
Liang, J. and T. W. Parks (1994) A two-dimensional translation invariant wavelet representation and its applications, Proceedings ICIP-94, Vol. 1, 66-70.
Liang, J. and T. W. Parks (1994) Image coding using translation invariant wavelet transforms with symmetric extensions, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 7, No. 5, 762-769.
B. Whitcher
## Xbox image
xbox.modwt <- modwt.2d(xbox, "haar", 2)
## Level 1 decomposition
par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s")
image(xbox.modwt$LH1, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="LH1")
image(xbox.modwt$HH1, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HH1")
image(xbox.modwt$HL1, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HL1")
## Level 2 decomposition
par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s")
image(xbox.modwt$LH2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="LH2")
image(xbox.modwt$HH2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HH2")
image(xbox.modwt$LL2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="LL2")
image(xbox.modwt$HL2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HL2")
sum((xbox - imodwt.2d(xbox.modwt))^2)
#> [1] 0
par(mfrow=c(1,1), pty="s")
image(dau, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="Ingrid Daubechies")
#> [1] 1049732962
dau.modwt <- modwt.2d(dau, "d4", 2)
## Level 1 decomposition
par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s")
image(dau.modwt$LH1, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="LH1")
image(dau.modwt$HH1, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HH1")
image(dau.modwt$HL1, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HL1")
## Level 2 decomposition
par(mfrow=c(2,2), pty="s")
image(dau.modwt$LH2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="LH2")
image(dau.modwt$HH2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HH2")
image(dau.modwt$LL2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="LL2")
image(dau.modwt$HL2, col=rainbow(128), axes=FALSE, main="HL2")
sum((dau - imodwt.2d(dau.modwt))^2)
#> [1] 0