This function wraps tapas_data() to run in parallel. This function creates the training vectors for all subjects from a probability map, a gold standard mask (normally a manual segmentation), and a brain mask. For a grid of thresholds provided and applied to the probability map the function calculates Sørensen's–Dice coefficient (DSC) between the automatic image and the gold standard image. The function also calculates the volume associated with thresholding at each respective threshold.

tapas_data_par(cores = 1, thresholds = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by =
  0.01), pmap, gold_standard, mask, k = 0, subject_id = NULL,
  ret = FALSE, outfile = NULL, verbose = TRUE)



The number of cores to use. This argument controls at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously. The default is set to 1.


A vector of thresholds to apply to the probability maps. The default vector applied is 0 to 1 by 0.01 increments. Threshold values must be between 0 and 1.


A vector of character file paths to probability map images or a list object with elements of class nifti.


A vector of character file paths to gold standard images (normally a manual segmentation) or a list object with elements of class nifti. The gold standard segmentation is used to compare the thresholded probability map image using Sørensen's–Dice coefficient (DSC).


A vector of character file paths to brain mask images or a list object with elements of class nifti.


The minimum number of voxels for a cluster/component. Segmentation clusters of size less than k are removed from the mask, volume estimation, and the Sørensen's–Dice coefficient (DSC) calculation.


A vector of subject IDs of class character. By default this is set to NULL but users must provide an ID vector.


A logical argument set to TRUE by default. Returns the tibble objects from the function as a list in the local R environment. If FALSE then outfile must be specified so subject data is saved.


Is set to NULL by default which only returns the subject-level tibble as a list in the local R environment. To save each subject-level tibble as an R object specify a vector or list of file paths to save with either .rds or .RData extensions included.


A logical argument to print messages. Set to TRUE by default.


A list with the subject-level tibble object in each element returned from tapas_data() for each subject. ret must be TRUE to return objects locally. To save objects a vector of codeoutfile file paths must be provided.


if (FALSE) {
# Data is provided in the rtapas package
# Data is provided in the rtapas package as arrays. Below we will convert them to nifti objects.
# Create a list of gold standard manual segmentation
train_gold_standard_masks = list(gs1 = gs1,
                                 gs2 = gs2,
                                 gs3 = gs3,
                                 gs4 = gs4,
                                 gs5 = gs5,
                                 gs6 = gs6,
                                 gs7 = gs7,
                                 gs8 = gs8,
                                 gs9 = gs9,
                                 gs10 = gs10)
# Convert the gold standard masks to nifti objects
train_gold_standard_masks = lapply(train_gold_standard_masks, oro.nifti::nifti)

# Make a list of the training probability maps
train_probability_maps = list(pmap1 = pmap1,
                             pmap2 = pmap2,
                             pmap3 = pmap3,
                             pmap4 = pmap4,
                             pmap5 = pmap5,
                             pmap6 = pmap6,
                             pmap7 = pmap7,
                             pmap8 = pmap8,
                             pmap9 = pmap9,
                             pmap10 = pmap10)

# Convert the probability maps to nifti objects
train_probability_maps = lapply(train_probability_maps, oro.nifti::nifti)
# Make a list of the brain masks
train_brain_masks = list(brain_mask1 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask2 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask3 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask4 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask5 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask6 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask7 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask8 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask9 = brain_mask,
                         brain_mask10 = brain_mask)

# Convert the brain masks to nifti objects
train_brain_masks = lapply(train_brain_masks, oro.nifti::nifti)

# Specify training IDs
train_ids = paste0('subject_', 1:length(train_gold_standard_masks))

# The function below runs on 2 cores. Be sure your machine has 2 cores available or switch to 1.
# Run tapas_data_par function
data = tapas_data_par(cores = 2,
                      thresholds = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.01),
                      pmap = train_probability_maps,
                      gold_standard = train_gold_standard_masks,
                      mask = train_brain_masks,
                      k = 0,
                      subject_id = train_ids,
                      ret = TRUE,
                      outfile = NULL,
                      verbose = TRUE)