A DICOM list structure is used to produce a multi-dimensional array representing a single acquisition of medical imaging data.

create3D(dcm, mode = "integer", transpose = TRUE, pixelData = TRUE,
  mosaic = FALSE, mosaicXY = NULL, sequence = FALSE,
  boffset = NULL)

create4D(dcm, mode = "integer", transpose = TRUE, pixelData = TRUE,
  mosaic = FALSE, mosaicXY = NULL, nslices = NULL, ntimes = NULL,
  instance = TRUE, sequence = FALSE)



is the DICOM list structure (if pixelData = TRUE) or the DICOM header information (if pixelData = FALSE).


is a valid character string for storage.mode.


is available in order to switch the definition of rows and columns from DICOM (default = TRUE.


is a logical variable (default = TRUE) that is associated with the DICOM image data being pre-loaded.


is a logical variable (default = FALSE) to denote storage of the data in Siemens ‘Mosaic’ format.


is a vector of length two that provides the (x,y) dimensions of the individual images. Default behavior is to use the AcquisitonMatrix to determine the (x,y) values.


is a logical variable (default = FALSE) on whether to look in SequenceItem entries for DICOM header information.


is the number of bytes to skip at the beginning of the DICOM file (default = NULL which lets the code determine the starting point).


is the third dimension of the array. Attempts are made to determine this number from the DICOM data.


is the fourth dimension of the array. Attempts are made to determine this number from the DICOM data.


is a logical variable (default = TRUE) that determines whether or not to access the InstanceNumber field in the DICOM header to help order the slices.


Multi-dimensional array of medical imaging data.


Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)

See also


Brandon Whitcher bwhitcher@gmail.com


load(system.file("hk-40/hk40.RData", package="oro.dicom"))
dcmList <- hk40
dcmImage <- create3D(dcmList)
image(dcmImage[,,1], col=grey(0:64/64), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",
      main=paste("First Slice from HK-40"))

imagePositionPatient <- attributes(dcmImage)$ipp
dSL <- abs(diff(imagePositionPatient[,3]))
plot(dSL, ylim=range(range(dSL) * 1.5, 0, 10), xlab="Image", ylab="mm",
     main="Difference in Slice Location")

if (FALSE) {
## pixelData = FALSE
## The DICOM image data are read from create3D()
## This may save on memory for large batches of DICOM data
dcmList <- readDICOM(system.file("hk-40", package="oro.dicom"),
dcmImage <- create3D(dcmList, pixelData=FALSE)
image(dcmImage[,,1], col=grey(0:64/64), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",
      main=paste("First Slice from HK-40 (again)"))
## mosaic = TRUE
mosaicFile <- system.file("dcm/MR-sonata-3D-as-Tile.dcm", package="oro.dicom")
dcm <- readDICOMFile(mosaicFile)
image(t(dcm$img), col=grey(0:64/64), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",
      main="Siemens MOSAIC")

dcmImage <- create3D(dcm, mode="integer", mosaic=TRUE)
z <- trunc(dim(dcmImage)[3]/2)
image(dcmImage[,,z], col=grey(0:64/64), axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",
      main=paste("Slice", z, "from Siemens MOSAIC"))