MS Demographic Data in a data.frame

ms_demog(cohort = c("cross_sectional", "longitudinal"))



Cohort to be used - cross-sectional or longitudinal


A data.frame of patient demographics


#> # A tibble: 30 x 6
#>    id          age sex   ms_type  edss criteria     
#>    <chr>     <int> <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>        
#>  1 patient01    31 F     RR        1.5 McDonald 2010
#>  2 patient02    33 M     CIS       0   McDonald 2010
#>  3 patient03    37 F     NA       NA   NA           
#>  4 patient04    25 M     SP        6.5 McDonald 2005
#>  5 patient05    33 F     RR        3.5 McDonald 2005
#>  6 patient06    37 F     SP        4   McDonald 2005
#>  7 patient07    53 F     RR        0.5 McDonald 2010
#>  8 patient08    41 M     RR        5   McDonald 2005
#>  9 patient09    40 F     RR        2   McDonald 2010
#> 10 patient10    64 F     RR        2   McDonald 2005
#> # … with 20 more rows
df = ms_demog(cohort = "longitudinal")