creates ggplot brain images with minimal user input.
This function calls getBrainFrame
, which generates a data frame
for use in ggplot objects. Aesthetic changes to the resulting figures
can be made with standard ggplot functions, such as
. The getBrainFrame
function can also be directly accessed by the user, for a deeper
control of aesthetics.
ggBrain(brains, template = NULL, mar = 1, mar_ind, row_ind = rep(1, length(mar_ind)), col_ind = rep(1, length(mar_ind)), col_template = rev(brewer.pal(8, "Greys")), type = "signed", binary_color = "darkred", combine_legend = TRUE, breaks_legend = 8, digits_legend = 2, signed_colors = brewer.pal(9, "RdYlBu")[c(1, 9)], fix_ratio = TRUE, tri_planar = FALSE, lines_color = "white", center_coords = TRUE, lines_mat = NULL, ...) getBrainFrame(brains, mask = NULL, mar = 1, mar_ind, row_ind = rep(1, length(mar_ind)), col_ind = rep(1, length(mar_ind)), brain_ind = rep(1, length(mar_ind)), all_brain_and_time_inds_one = FALSE, time = rep(1, length(mar_ind)), center_coords = FALSE)
brains | A list of 4-D arrays of brain images, with time on the fourth dimension. Alternatively, a list of 3-D arrays, a single 3-D, or a single 4-D array can be entered. |
template | A 3-D structural brain image over which to plot voxelwise statistics, such as p-values or seed correlations. |
mar | a numeric vector. The length of this vector should be
equal to the number of panels in the figure. The \(j^{th}\)
element of |
mar_ind | a numeric vector of the same length as |
row_ind | a numeric vector of the same length as |
col_ind | a numeric vector of the same length as |
col_template | a vector of colors to be used for displaying the template brain image. |
type | the type of brain image to be shown, either 'signed',
'binary' or 'structural'. These types should be used when the objects in
binary_color | the color to be used for plotting either binary masks or
voxelwise, positive statistics (e.g. p-values). This argument will be used
when |
combine_legend | when |
breaks_legend | the number of bins to use in creating a combined legend.
This is only used when |
digits_legend | the number of digits to be used in the combined
legend for 'signed' plots. This is only used when |
signed_colors | a vector of length two, with entries corresponding
to the colors for negative and positive values of the overlaying
voxelwise statistic. This argument is only used when |
fix_ratio | whether the aspect ratio should be fixed, to avoid warping of images. |
tri_planar | a special mode for simultaneously plotting saggital, transverse, and coronal brain slices. If set to TRUE, a cross-hair will be plotted to show correspondance between these images (see examples). |
lines_color | color of the lines defined by |
center_coords | whether the brains should be centered. If TRUE, axis tick marks will not be shown. If FALSE, axis tick marks will correspond to slice number |
lines_mat | a matrix with 3 columns, and one row for each line to be
added to the figure. Each row of |
... | Parameters passed from |
mask | A 3-D binary array of which voxels in the image to plot.
If no mask is provided, the mask is set to be all voxels not equal
to |
brain_ind | a vector of the same length as |
all_brain_and_time_inds_one | a parameter specific to
time | a vector of the same length as |
returns a ggplot object showing the desired brain images.
Further aesthetic changes to the plotting can be added to this ggplot
object using the usual ggplot notation (see examples). getBrainFrame
outputs a "long" dataframe which can be used in ggplot objects.
Accessing this dataframe directly allows the users to have more
control over the plotting procedure hard-coded by ggBrain
if (FALSE) { ##################### # Load data ##################### library(oro.nifti) s_map1<-readNIfTI(system.file('seed_corr_1.nii.gz', package='ggBrain')) s_map2<-readNIfTI(system.file('seed_corr_2.nii.gz', package='ggBrain')) template <- readNIfTI(system.file('template.nii.gz', package='ggBrain')) mask <- readNIfTI(system.file('brain_mask.nii.gz', package='ggBrain')) seed_mask <- readNIfTI(system.file('seed_mask.nii.gz', package='ggBrain')) nii1_trunc <- readNIfTI(system.file('subj_trunc_1.nii.gz', package='ggBrain')) library(brainR) hd_template <- readNIfTI(system.file("MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz", package="brainR")) ##################### # Generate plots ##################### library(ggplot2) ############### # Simple examples, just one plot # structural image (type = 'structural') dd<-ggBrain(brains=hd_template,mask=hd_template>0,mar=3, mar_ind=93,type='structural') dd #now add aethetic changes with conventional ggplot code. dd + scale_fill_continuous(low="black", high="white")+ theme_black_bg() # seed correlation (type = 'signed') dd<-ggBrain(template=template,brains=s_map1,mask=mask,mar=3, mar_ind=30,type='signed') dd # positive voxelwise statistics (type='positive'). # Here we use absolute value of seed correlation, # but a p-value map might also be applied. dd<-ggBrain(template=template,brains=abs(s_map1),mask=mask, mar=3,mar_ind=30,type='positive') dd + theme_black_bg() + scale_alpha(range=c(0,1)) #note, for type='signed', a scale is already included # Further customization can be done by using # getBrainFrame directly bf<-getBrainFrame(brains=hd_template,mar=3,mar_ind=93, mask=hd_template>0,center_coords=FALSE) ggplot() + geom_tile(data=bf, aes(x=row,y=col,fill=value)) + facet_grid(row_ind~col_ind)+ theme_black_bg()+labs(x='',y='')+coord_fixed(ratio = 1) # tri_planar basic example, cross-hairs show correspondence across plots dd<-ggBrain(brains=s_map1,template=template, mar = c(1,2,3), mar_ind = c(37,18,30), row_ind= c(1,1,2), col_ind= c(2,1,1), tri_planar=TRUE, lines_color='black',mask=mask) dd + theme_bw() +theme_no_ticks() ################### # use grid.arrange to show the seed mask and the # seed correlation. # Since these are on different scales, we use # grid.arrange to show them separately. mar = c(1,2,3) col_ind = factor(c(1,2,3),labels=c('Saggital','Coronal','Transverse')) row_ind = c(1,1,1) mar_ind= c(37,18,30) dd_mask<-ggBrain(brains=seed_mask,template=template,mar=mar,mar_ind=mar_ind,row_ind=row_ind, col_ind=col_ind,type='binary',binary_color='black',tri_planar=TRUE,mask=mask)+ labs(alpha='Seed mask')+theme_black_bg() dd_1<-ggBrain(brains=s_map1,template=template,mar=mar,mar_ind=mar_ind,row_ind=row_ind, col_ind=col_ind,tri_planar=TRUE,mask=mask) + theme_black_bg() library(gridExtra) grid.arrange(dd_mask,dd_1) # We can also show two seed correlation maps # from two different subjects. Note, these maps # are on the same scale, as correlations are # standardized dd<-ggBrain(brains=list(s_map1,s_map2), brain_ind=c(1,1,1,2,2,2), template=template, mar=c(1,2,3,1,2,3), mar_ind=c(37,18,30,37,18,30), row_ind=c('Subject 1','Subject 1','Subject 1','Subject 2','Subject 2','Subject 2'), col_ind=factor(c(1,2,3,1,2,3),labels=c('Saggital','Coronal','Transverse')), mask=mask) dd + ggtitle('Seed correlations for two subjects')+ theme_black_bg() ################### # row_ind and col_ind can be used to look at # several slices # instead of inputting the mask directly, we # can set the masked out voxels to NA hd_template_masked<-hd_template hd_template_masked[hd_template_masked==0]<-NA dd<-ggBrain(brains=hd_template_masked, mar=rep(3,8), mar_ind=floor(seq(140,50,length=8)), col_ind=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2), row_ind=c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4), type='structural') dd+ theme_black_bg() # We can also add a key to the above type of plot, # using the lines_mat argument mar=c(3,3,3,3,3,3,3,1) mar_ind=c(floor(seq(140,50,length=7)),88) col_ind=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2) row_ind=c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) lines_mat<-cbind(8,mar,mar_ind)[1:7,] dd<-ggBrain(brains=hd_template,mar=mar,mar_ind=mar_ind,row_ind=row_ind,col_ind=col_ind, mask=hd_template>0,type='structural',lines_mat=lines_mat) dd+ theme_black_bg() # The same type of plots can be made for # seed correlations mar_ind=c(floor(seq(50,20,length=7)),30) #reduce dimensions # to match fMRI data lines_mat<-cbind(8,mar,mar_ind)[1:7,] dd<-ggBrain(brains=s_map1,template=template,mar=mar,mar_ind=mar_ind,row_ind=row_ind, col_ind=col_ind,mask=mask,lines_mat=lines_mat) dd + theme_black_bg() # We can also plot fMRI activation over time dd<-ggBrain(brains=nii1_trunc,template=template, mask=mask, mar=rep(3,4), mar_ind=rep(30,4), row_ind=rep(1,4), col_ind=paste('time',1:4), time=1:4) dd + theme_black_bg() # Note, to change legend labels for figures of type='signed', # we must change both the label for fill and for alpha, # as ggBrain combines these two aesthetics into a custom, # hardcoded legend (when combine_legend=TRUE). If separate # labels are given for fill and alpha, the two aesthetic dimensions # will appear in separate legends. # For example: dd <- ggBrain(template=template,brains=s_map1, mask=mask,mar=3,mar_ind=30,type='signed') # ex1: dd + labs(fill='new_label',alpha='new_label') # ex2: dd + labs(fill='sign',alpha='abs_value') }