The method estimates, in each voxel, the coefficients of an expansion of the apparent diffusion cefficient (ADC) with respect to a apherical harmonics orthonormal system from the DWI data contained in an object of class "dtiData"
# S4 method for dtiData
dwiQball(object, what="wODF", order=4, lambda=0, mask=NULL)
object | Object of class |
what | Determines quantity to estimate, coefficients ot the orientation density function (ODF) ( |
order | even integer: maximum order of the sperical harmonics expansion |
lambda | nonnegative regularization parameter. |
mask | optional brain mask |
An object of class "dwiQball"
Returns a warning.
Estimate, in each voxel, the coefficients of an expansion of the orientation density function (ODF) or the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) with respect to a apherical harmonics orthonormal system. Note that the maxima of the ADC have no direct interpretation as fibre orientations.
M. Descoteaux, E. Angelino, S. Fitzgibbons and R. Deriche, Regularized, Fast and Robust Analytical Q-Ball Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Methods, 2007, 58, 497-512.
J. Polzehl, K. Tabelow (2019). Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging: Modeling and Data Analysis Using R. Springer, Use R! series. Doi:10.1007/978-3-030-29184-6.
Karsten Tabelow tabelow@wias-berlin.de
J\"org Polzehl polzehl@wias-berlin.de
if (FALSE) demo(dti_art)