Calculates GLCM-based statistics for given GLCM matrix.

glcm_stat(RIA_data_in, use_type = "single", use_orig = FALSE,
  use_slot = "glcm$es_8_111", save_name = NULL, verbose_in = TRUE)





string, can be "single" which runs the function on a single image, which is determined using "use_orig" or "use_slot". "glcm" takes all datasets in the RIA_image$glcm slot and runs the analysis on them.


logical, indicating to use image present in RIA_data$orig. If FALSE, the modified image will be used stored in RIA_data$modif. However, GLCM matrices are usually not present in either slots, therefore giving the slot name using use_slot is advised.


string, name of slot where data wished to be used is. Use if the desired image is not in the data$orig or data$modif slot of the RIA_image. For example, ig the desired dataset is in RIA_image$glcm$ep_4_111, then use_slot should be glcm$ep_4_111. The results are automatically saved. If the results are not saved to the desired slot, then please use save_name parameter. If the string contains "-" characters use "`" before the last slot name, for example: glcm$`ep_4_-1-1-1`


string, indicating the name of subslot of $glcm to save results to. If left empty, then it will be automatically determined.


logical, indicating whether to print detailed information. Most prints can also be suppressed using the suppressMessages function.


RIA_image containing the statistical information.


Márton KOLOSSVÁRY et al. Radiomic Features Are Superior to Conventional Quantitative Computed Tomographic Metrics to Identify Coronary Plaques With Napkin-Ring Sign Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging (2017). DOI: 10.1161/circimaging.117.006843

Márton KOLOSSVÁRY et al. Cardiac Computed Tomography Radiomics: A Comprehensive Review on Radiomic Techniques. Journal of Thoracic Imaging (2018). DOI: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000268


if (FALSE) {
#Discretize loaded image and then calculate GLCM statistics
RIA_image <- discretize(RIA_image, bins_in = 8, equal_prob = TRUE)
RIA_image <- glcm(RIA_image, use_orig = FALSE, use_slot = "discretized$ep_8",
off_right = 0, off_down = 1, off_z = 0)
RIA_image <- glcm_stat(RIA_image, use_orig = FALSE, use_slot = "glcm$ep_8_010")

#Batch calculation of GLCM-based statistics on all calculated GLCMs
RIA_image <- glcm_stat(RIA_image, use_type = "discretized")